Not My Name | Teen Ink

Not My Name

September 30, 2022
By ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home".

Ella is the 16th most popular name in the U.S. My name is basic. I wish it was unique. It is known to look like the color pink and the number eleven. Too perfect and basic. It sounds too childish, like if I have pink wooden letters spelling the name, hung up in my bedroom. When I think of it, I’ve never met an adult named Ella. 

Ella is such a small name. The two syllables fit together perfectly, as if they were thrown into a blender. It looks fresh like a clean white feather. It sounds like the flow of the ending winter winds in the spring. It is shaped like a piano. Tall and strong; until the fallen curve, the bentside. 

I wish my name was distinctive. Mercedes. One of the most invigorating names I have ever heard. It reminds me of the car, slick and luxurious. I also like the name Teresa, T.C for short. The name sounds sophisticated and bright. 

I’m not sure what the origin of my name is. I guess my parents liked the perfect stereotype of it. But I do know that in Hebrew, Ella means “goddess”. What a confidence booster, right? 

However; Ella is also the color of emerald green and the number 7. It is the sound of not only childhood, but memories and happiness. It looks like a railroad track, leading a train forward, ready for whatever is heading its way. Or maybe that’s just me, not my name. 

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