The Greatest Mistake of my life    | Teen Ink

The Greatest Mistake of my life   

October 6, 2022
By Dashreedy2005 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Dashreedy2005 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I rather be happy being myself than sad trying to please every one else - j.cole

It was a normal day at school. All of our friends were at our lunch table and we started to play Uno. One of my other friends ran up to our group and said ¨guys this is my friend from elementary his name is David¨ and we all introduced ourselves to him and he joined our group. After he joined the group  I got to know him a little more. I met him in middle school and around this time I had no filter and did not care about other people. Those were reasons why I had trouble being a better person back then. 


Around the time of meeting David my life at home was bad and I was depressed and angry most of the time at school so I thought I could be rude to people cause they didn't know what I was going through. One time we were at lunch and are whole friend group was eating at lunch and I got up and took David's food and threw it in the garbage He was like ¨dude why did you do that¨I replied ¨sorry¨  and walked away. Looking back on it now I hate it cause there was no reason for me to do that there was no motive. The next day after that we were in after school program and our friend group was having a conversation and I kept cutting him off on purpose he finally caught On and said ¨dude why are you cutting me off¨ I replied  ¨My bad¨ after that i could tell he was getting annoyed with me and knew there was tension. 


This is when it got bad it was just me and him we were talking and i said something outta pocket to him and he got really mad. And walked away as he walked away i yelled  ¨dude where are you going¨ he didn't say anything back that's when I knew that was the breaking point. I realized I screwed up and I felt bad about what I said and about everything so I was gonna apologize for everything I did to him. I found him after school and went up to him. He had a mean look in his eyes but was willing to hear me out. And i Told him ¨ look, man, I am sorry for what I said to you and for everything in the past I realized I messed up so I am sorry and I will never do it again¨. After I finished he looked at me and told me ¨I'm glad you apologized. It takes a lot for someone to realize they messed up and say sorry so thank you man¨.


 After that, I changed for the better. It taught me to respect others and just because you´re going through something does not give you the excuse to be mean to others. After I got to know him more during the time I was being messed up with him he was going through the same thing I was going through. Both of our parents were getting divorced at that time. And when I found out it was such an eye-opener and it taught me to never be mean to someone cause you never know what they are dealing with in life from now on till the day I die. I always keep that in my head, and that is why I treat people with respect now. Because you never know the demons they could be battling in their personal life and sometimes maybe a kind gesture to someone can make their day better.    

The author's comments:

 One of the reasons I decided to do this topic was because it was a major thing in my life it was a reality check and I hope people can learn from my mistake and be better than what I was as i got older I realized arguing, fighting with close friends or family is not good cause life is to short to stay mad at one another. I hope people can read this and learn from it.  

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