special | Teen Ink


April 3, 2023
By Anonymous

Children are truly special and their presence in our lives brings joy and happiness. Their innocence and wonder is something that we as adults can learn from and appreciate. The unique perspectives and creativity that young minds possess can inspire and motivate us to think outside the box. It is important that we nurture and protect children's potential, as they are the future generation and have so much to offer. In this article, we will explore the reasons why kids are so special and how we can help to support and encourage them to reach their full potential. We will focus on three key points: the innocence and wonder of childhood, the unique perspectives and creativity of young minds, and the importance of nurturing and protecting children's potential.

The innocence and wonder of childhood are concepts that have been studied extensively in psychology and sociology. According to JC Garlen (2019), childhood is a time of "innocence, wonder, and joy" (p. 17). Children are able to experience the world with a sense of awe and wonder, as they explore and learn about their environment. This sense of wonderment is an essential component of childhood, as it allows children to develop curiosity, creativity, and imagination. Additionally, childhood innocence is characterized by a lack of knowledge about the harsh realities of the world. Children are shielded from the complexities of adulthood, and are able to view the world through a lens of simplicity and optimism. However, this innocence is not without its drawbacks. As Garlen (2019) notes, childhood innocence can also leave children vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, as they are unable to fully comprehend the dangers of the world around them. Despite these potential risks, the innocence and wonder of childhood remain important and essential components of human development. By allowing children to experience the world with a sense of curiosity and optimism, we are able to foster the development of healthy and well-adjusted individuals.

The unique perspectives and creativity of young minds have been a topic of interest for many researchers in the field of education. According to Grant (2017), young people tend to have a fresh and unique perspective on life which can be attributed to their lack of experience and exposure to the world. These perspectives can be used to solve complex problems and come up with innovative solutions. Furthermore, young people are often not bound by the same constraints as adults, which allows them to think outside the box and approach problems in a different way. This creativity can be seen in many fields including art, music, and technology. For example, many of the most successful startups in recent years have been founded by young people who were able to come up with innovative solutions to common problems. However, it is important to note that the creativity of young people should not be dismissed as simply "childish" or "naive". Instead, it should be celebrated and nurtured to its full potential. As Grant (2017) notes, by encouraging and supporting the creativity of young people, we can help to create a better future for us all.

Nurturing and protecting children's potential is crucial for their healthy development and future success. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the first few years of life are critical in shaping a child's physical, cognitive, and emotional development, and experiences during this period can have long-lasting effects on their overall well-being (WHO, 2018). Children who receive adequate care, nutrition, and stimulation during their early years are more likely to perform better in school, have better employment opportunities, and lead healthier lives as adults (WHO, 2018). Conversely, children who experience neglect, abuse, or other adverse experiences during their early years are at a higher risk of developing physical and mental health problems, engaging in risky behaviors, and experiencing social and economic disadvantage later in life (WHO, 2018). Therefore, it is essential to provide children with a safe and nurturing environment that supports their physical, cognitive, and emotional development from early childhood to adolescence. This includes ensuring access to health care, education, and social services, as well as promoting positive parenting practices, such as responsive caregiving, positive reinforcement, and age-appropriate stimulation (WHO, 2018). By investing in children's potential, we can not only improve their lives but also strengthen our communities and build a more prosperous and equitable society. 

The author's comments:

its a deep topic for me 

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