I hate Lexie: The reality of Pessimistic People | Teen Ink

I hate Lexie: The reality of Pessimistic People

November 15, 2023
By Taylor-Anne BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
Taylor-Anne BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your biggest regret in life will be the things you never do." -Theresa Wright

I hate Lexie.  Lexie will always find something to complain about and something you do wrong to point out.  She is never happy about something.  You can give her a 1,000 gold bars and she will complain that it isn’t 1,001. Lexie is a pessimistic person. 


What is a pessimistic person?  A pessimistic person is someone who tends to only see the bad in things and only expect the worse.  The more extreme pessimistic people will go as far as searching for things to complain about.


How much of the population is pessimistic? Many Americans find joy in complaining about what they have and crying over what they don’t as if they’ll be handed the world for crying of few tears.  The population of pessimistic people in America is at an all-time high of 63%, making things worse than ever.  On average majority of American Republicans are more pessimistic than Democrats.  Many people aged 65 years or older are more pessimistic than those younger to them.


What makes being pessimistic a bad thing?  Neurological research shows that someone with a pessimistic mindset if more likely to live out a miserable life.  If all you do is think about everything that is wrong with everything, you’ll never be able to enjoy the good things in life.  Many mental health professionals describe the pessimistic outlook as a virus because it is hard to get rid of, fast spreading, and can make life challenging for those who have it. 


What is it like to have a pessimistic person in your life?  Pessimistic people tend to sweat the small stuff which can lead to mental health issue for not only themselves, but also those around them.  It can also be very difficult to be close with someone who has this mindset.  Imagine one of your loved ones is in a room with no windows and only a singular dying flame on a candle. Your loved one is pulling you further and further into the room and then once you’re in there, the door closes and eventually you go mad.   That is what it’s like to be friends with a pessimistic person.  They are not good people to spend memorable moments with because chances are your memory will be filled with dread and annoyance of bad comments, so many to where they are fighting to fit in your brain.


How to know if you are pessimistic? The signs that you are pessimistic are listed:

·         You have endless misery.

·         You have a constant unfortune.

·         People tend to avoid you.

·         People do not seem happy around you.

The author's comments:

This piece is to show that we could all lighten up and see the good in the world a little more. 

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