Things that Really Make You Happy | Teen Ink

Things that Really Make You Happy

December 13, 2009
By citygirl_tawni SILVER, Ottawa, Other
citygirl_tawni SILVER, Ottawa, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought of the things that make you happy? I'm not talking about getting an A+, boyfriends or winning a Noble Prize. But the small things we take for granted don't realize it because it is part of our everyday routine, or that we have 24/7 access to it? Well here are a list of things that I have recently fallen in love with: the pillow's softness, the soap's lather on your skin, the feeling when taking the first wet lick of a sugary lollipop. The transparent reflection of yourself when looking into a window, accomplishment, looking into someone's eyes without awkwardness, a full stomach and closing your eyes and drifting off.

The author's comments:
I was simply inspired because I felt my life was plain, with out excitement. Then I realized life would be much better if i were more open to small things or actions done. Now I am more grateful and realize i have all I need.


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