Friends/Friendship | Teen Ink


December 15, 2009
By HisBm1112 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
HisBm1112 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


What are friends? What is friendship? How important are friends and friendship to you? According to the dictionary a friend is a person who is attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard and friendship are just a friendly relation. But to me friends are peers who are going to be there for you through anything and that you will eventually learn to love. At times your friends are all you really have when there’s no one else. Most people have closer friends then others, may just be associates.
Some friendships may be stronger than anything and others may be average. People don’t realize how much friendship is important. They may feel they don’t need anyone or can’t trust anyone. I remember I use to feel that way. I personally never realized how important friendship was until November 12, 2009. I don’t recall any of my classmates realizing how important it was or is. For example, the only real friend I ever had was taking away from me, not only me but also my classmates. All of that brought me more friends. They were there for me when I really didn’t expect them to be but they were. I was also there for them. We all realized how much we love each other; it took a death of a close friend to bring us all together.
Now we are all closer than ever, there is no more drama. Life’s too short for drama and being mad at each other. Point of the matter is I have friends and we all built a stronger and healthier friendship for one of our Falling Green Angels. We all learned to love each other.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 11 2010 at 11:45 am
tywon2010 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment
This article is touching. I can hear your voice as the writer and the voice I hear is strong. Thanks for sharing this article with teenink and I hope to see more of your writing!