volunteering is a plus | Teen Ink

volunteering is a plus

March 4, 2010
By maddie:) BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
maddie:) BRONZE, Rockford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday people go Hungary. Everyday! Too many people live with out a home and just one simple meal. Theses people can’t rely on that many others for a home or one meal. To many die because of this and they definitely do not deserve that. But all of this can and will change with the help of many organizations out there, like Gods Kitchen.

I work at Gods Kitchen often, and to see all the people that come through the line really makes me sad, but happy that I’m helping them. Most of the people that come through are scrawny and missing teeth, clothes torn. The thing about almost every single one of them are very friendly. They love the opportunity to talk to someone and making a conversation. That makes me so happy because they all really do appreciate the work that us volunteers do. When little kids come through the line it really makes me stop and think about everything I own. I should be thankful for it all and not take anything for granite.

It’s not hard at all to help volunteer at any organizations! Call and schedule to get in and help. Let me tell you the people that do go are saving so many lives. I can really tell that the hungry, maybe, that are less fortunate, really appreciate what we do. We really do help and save them. In 2008 Gods Kitchen helped over 185,000! That’s in just one year! From people who take a few hours out of there day.

Like I was saying volunteering isn’t hard. At Gods Kitchen you make/clean and serve food. You will sort though a bunch of different foods and make carts full for the hungry to take. It’s actually really fun and I’m really glad I volunteer.

So I hope that my point of view really does motivate you to go and help you community.

The author's comments:
i wrote the paper because i belive that more people should go out and help there communtiy, and thats exactally what i hope people will get out of this, to go out and help :)

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