A Few Questions about Immigration | Teen Ink

A Few Questions about Immigration

November 7, 2007
By Erin Lotridge BRONZE, Owings, Maryland
Erin Lotridge BRONZE, Owings, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How can we say immigration is wrong? How can we look desperate people in the eyes and tell them "No, we don't want you; we're full"? How can we deny others the hope that the United States of America stands for? How can we turn them away for wanting the very same things our forefathers wanted? How can we say we have equal oppurtunities for everyone and then follow it up with a discussion about how immigrants are ruining our country? How can we say that America, the great melting pot, doesn't need any more flavors? How can we do that?

Why is it alright for us to build a wall to keep others out, and then turn around and say that the United States is the most diverse country in the world? Why is it alright for us to deny people entry into the one place that they have wanted to live their whole lives? Why is it not alright for them to live in our country? Why is it not alright for them to have new, better lives? Why can they not have jobs in our country? Why are we more important than them?

How can we say that immigrants are the problem when almost all of our ancestors were immigrants?

Why is it that discrimination is wrong, but it's okay to deport anyone who isn't "American"?

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