Yes to Money, No to Harmful Ingredients | Teen Ink

Yes to Money, No to Harmful Ingredients

May 7, 2013
By Rebekah Irwin BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Rebekah Irwin BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Yes To Money, No To Harmful Ingredients

American’s get seven percent of our calories from soft drinks alone. And our top food group intake is sweets. This event has now cost one-third of our nation’s adults to be obese. Now what if I told that probably more than half of the food you buy at the grocery store contains hormones and cancerous cells? On the other hand organic food does not contain these harmful ingredients, and in addition can be very beneficial to the economy.
Processed food contains numerous chemicals and harmful ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, which leads to diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, hormones, Hydroxytoluene, which is also used for airplane fuel, and chemicals that eat away your bones. This can have a huge negative on your health.
People debate that there is no difference in ingredients between organic and non-organic foods. Although it is proven that most organic foods contain a surplus amount of vitamins and antioxidants, which is confirmed to promote cell health, or in other words fight against diseases like cancer. In addition in organic foods hardly any chemicals are used. This can save you from the scary alternative, processed foods.
Having flawless health does not only affect health itself, but over all it affects your daily lifestyle. Feeling tired and sick from the awful ingredients in the processed food you eat is not going to help you at work or school, it will only hurt. Furthermore eating organic supports your immunity to disease, which assists you to avoid obstacles in daily life. My last point is eating organic food will help the increasing obesity rate stopped. With all the ingridients like high fructose corn syrup and hormones that produce extra growth obesity can be decreased. This proves that eating organic food will and can support the individual’s health.
Organic food is also known to help the economy in many different ways. After organic food first started being sold in common grocery stores six and a half years ago sales have doubled. This means that organic food can increase sales that support the economy. Adding on to the sales doubling, three-fourths of the nation’s grocery stores carry organic food.
In other words, buying organic and freshly grown local food will help the economy greatly. With extra income from organic food in the national economy it will help, compared to processed food that’s not worth as much. In addition if you buy from local farmers markets it
When people think organic one thought comes to mind, expensive. However, buying local items at the grocery stores or taking visits to local farmer’s markets is just like buying organic food. It is most likely grown on smaller scale farms, which don’t need to use the harsh chemicals, and you are supporting your local economy.
Taking advantage of organic and local grown food is very important. It does not only support health critically, but also services the economy. With no harmful ingredients and sales increasing proves it. Eating and living organic food will make your life easier. By buying local and organic food we will reinforce our economy and make our lives easier. You will be avoiding the dangerous chemicals in the food that’s in your pantry today.

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