Help Wanted | Teen Ink

Help Wanted

May 7, 2013
By Giancarlo Tucc-Berube BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Giancarlo Tucc-Berube BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Help Wanted

According to the US department of labor, by the time teens graduate from high school 80 percent will have held a part time job at some point in time. Those numbers may sound great but that’s still over four million teens that have never had a job, those are the teens I’m talking to.

Adolescence is a difficult time for young teens who are trying to find their way. A job can help them to grow and “…develop their identities, obtain increased autonomy, achieve new accomplishments, and become more independent…” (Teenagers and part time jobs benefits drawbacks and tips) For teens employment offers a foundation for development. Federal, state, and local governments recognize that most teen crime and anti-social behavior occurs during unsupervised and unconstructed hours. (Welcoming Teen Workers). Having a job fills in these empty hours.

Some parents see how jobs can be beneficial to teenagers, like mine. In my family at one point or another, before we go to college, we must have a job. My father, the main enforcer, sees that we will have to provide for ourselves once we leave the house and wants to prepare us. By having a job at a young age it can teach us important work ethics, that we will use our whole life.

The many benefits of teenage jobs are nothing compared to the immense amounts of drawbacks. To sum it up in one word, stress. Teenagers are also students, if they are trying to juggle a job, sports, and a social life, education falls by the way side. Not leaving enough time for academics can cause a drop in grades and ultimately failing. Don’t overload your fragile teenagers mind, keep their priorities in order, and keep them away from stress.

Both my mother and father had jobs as young adults, as well as my aunts and uncles. All have turned out very successful, authors, lawyers, college professors, world travelers, and executives in the auto industry. Nothing bad as you can see can come from employment at a young age. It can give you a one up and extra experience on everyone else. All your life you will be working, so getting a handle on it early on will be a great help.

Any teen can handle a job, but not just any teen has the effort to take that challenge on. If you’re a teen and you’re employed, bravo. In life you need to be prepared, for everything. Little do you know but you’ve already mastered being prepared. Every time you study for a test, pack a little extra food for a trip, make a list of “to do’s”. Having a job as a teen is preparing yourself for adulthood and maybe having to support a family one day. Now go to a computer, Google “jobs” and click on the first link that says HELP WANTED.

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