Expensive Trends | Teen Ink

Expensive Trends

May 7, 2013
By Noah Singer BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Noah Singer BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Expensive Trends

Hot trends fill stores from high-end to department. More and more people are buying the new expensive thing. People spend most of their money on the expensive product because they think it makes them fit in better because they feel it is the only way they can.

People have seen high-end designers walking around streets and festivals to get their product around. When people see high-end designers they look at what they are wearing and usually think positive of what they are wearing. They often hand out coupons to persuade them even more to think they are getting a good deal. When they think they look good they go to the store and try stuff on and are enticed to buy some of their products. Then they buy the product and wear it around and other people get the idea and catch on. Festivals affect trends.

In American eagle stores they sell a wide variety of clothes so there is stuff for everyone. The reason why they do it is because if they have a hot product everybody will come into the store and more people will buy their product and they will make more money. The way how I know they sell a wide variety of products is because I have been in one of their stores. Also they don’t price their products at a ridiculous price and it is affordable. It is a reasonable trend. This is an example of a trend that is good for people to have because they can afford it.

A lot of people start to buy high-end products that are popular. The reason why they buy it is because they think they will be viewed different. They wear it to be like their friends. Once they get addicted to wearing it they want more so they buy more. At one point they have to cut back because they can’t afford it. Having an expensive trend is bad.

On Saks Fifth Avenue a lot of expensive merchandise is sold. In 1 hour they sold $570,000 worth of merchandise. It was $170,000 more than they projected. More and more people have to have the new expensive thing.

People love to buy luxury items. The reason why is because it makes them happy. They think they now fit in and are viewed different. People think money buys them friends which it doesn’t. People should not be spending all of their money on luxury items if they can’t afford it.

People don’t care what they are buying. They buy the most expensive products because they think it is the only way for them to fit in. They think that is the way how they will be judged. People waste all of their money on luxury items and can’t afford it anymore, so they stop buying for a while and when they get more money they will start buying more items again. I think people who can’t afford expensive trends shouldn’t buy any products over their budget because they have to cut back on other basic things.

Works Cited

Strom, Stephanie. "IDEAS & Trends; Telemarketing's Impact on the Bottom Line."

New York Times, 20 June 1993. Web. 5 May 2013.

The author's comments:
It is okay to have a trend that is not very expensive

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