In the Circus | Teen Ink

In the Circus

June 1, 2013
By writewritewrite BRONZE, Scunthorpe, Other
writewritewrite BRONZE, Scunthorpe, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.

- Today is the special day out of all the days; I will receive a lot of praise. Oh how assiduously I have Ringmaster worked with those huge and troublesome creatures, failed all the teachers and I finally got them on line for today’s great evening.
Lion- That is our master .Tall and strong, he is only there to impress the throng.
Elephant- heated and cruel and always makes us follow the rule.
Zebra- The stick he hit me with has still left the mark; and the answer to why is still a question mark.
Tiger- The food he gives me is always less doesn’t matter how much I request.
Tiger, Elephant , Zebra and Lion- Describing his cruelness would take forever long ,let us introduce to who we are and explain how everything that is done to us is so wrong.
Ringmaster- oh no you animals, we don’t do any wrong and please remember you are no human.
Zebra- I have black and white stripes and may look extremely happy and talented out there, but you do not know that I get no care.
Elephant - I am called the elephant that should be big and strong but all my energy has gone walking around that huge place, don’t know how many more challenges I have to face.
Tiger- I am a tiger, but no tiger. I would only be a tiger back in that forest with proper food and rest.
Lion- I am called the king of the jungle by my uncle and should never have to struggle and here I am today in a place where people juggle.
Elephant and Zebra- Picked up from that jungle that is now somewhere far away and put in that van. I Still remember those 48 hours in the cage. We still remember those flowers whose aroma hopefully would stay with us forever and still cherish that memory of seeing that rainbow on the outskirts of the forest that appeared after every shower of rain. And now I think all these memories I will soon have to erase.
Ringmaster- your life is here now. The tiger sitting on the stool and the lion jumping through the hoop of fire. The elephant walking round with a human on top showing its talent and zebra running, jumping and walking to music.
Elephant - That ball on my trunk hurts me and I just want to be left free.
Tiger, Elephant , Zebra and Lion- We don’t even know if our family still survive; being far away from them is like being cut by a thousand knives.
Zebra and Tiger- I hate the screaming of the crowd and the brightness of those lights; I only look forward to see that ray of sunlight.
Tiger and Elephant - The smell of popcorn almost makes me faint I would rather be able to take the smell of paint.
Lion and Zebra- Living in that cage is harder than living in jail; all my tries to be able to escape have been fail.
Ringmaster- All your tries are always going to fail. I will not let you leave this place. You stay here and follow my instructions and entertain the public, you animals just don’t have any other work, all you do is search.
Lion- The weather is freezing but yet no one does notice me shivering.
Elephant - Why are my feet tied with ropes? Being back in that forest is no longer even a hope.
Ringmaster- Your plans to escape should never be a success so the ropes are there to make me worry less.
Zebra, Lion and Tiger- Your dream may be to wear a diamond necklace but ours is only to leave this horrible place.
Ringmaster- Oh stop dreaming you dreamy animals, you escaping is just impossible.
Elephant and Lion- You use the methods of electric shocks and baseball bats for me to cooperate in the training; you don’t even see us crying.
Zebra, Elephant , Tiger and Lion- It feels like we are screaming out our lungs to try to say how we feel but no one listens.
Ringmaster- But we can’t hear you.
Elephant - Our life has been ruined. When you visit circuses it must be very easy for you to sit there and enjoy the entertainment that is been given to you. You all have to understand that we animals have our lives.
Zebra- Let us live it. What if it was you in our place doing this?
Lion- You would definitely not want to do it.
Tiger- So why do we have to?
Ringmaster- Because humans can’t perform these kind of acts.
Tiger- It may seem a joke. But we animals are to enjoy not to destroy.
Zebra, Lion, Tiger and Elephant - So please understand our problem and stop using us for entertainment in circuses. Let us be healthy, happy and free!

The author's comments:
This piece conveys the message of how these animals do not like to perform in the circus . In this piece the animals talk about their lives in the circus and how their master takes care of them.

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