Happiness | Teen Ink


October 7, 2013
By karinalovesniall GOLD, Ventnor City, New Jersey
karinalovesniall GOLD, Ventnor City, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything happens for a reason...

A lot of people say that happiness comes from friends, money, family, things… Well true happiness comes from nothing but the heart. Happiness cannot be understood though words or material things. People try to sell, and some think you can buy happiness; in reality you have to experience it and you have to feel it, and then happiness will be understood. It’s an experience and feeling that involves the senses.
Happiness can be seen. Happiness is having a great, fun time with one another or your friends. It is the way that friends communicate and enjoy each other. Happiness is a furry, wooly hyena. It’s covered with fur like; happiness is covered with the heart. Happiness is spending your time with your best friend that a life time could never pull apart. Seeing true happiness is very exotic. Once you have seen it, then, you know what true happiness is.
Happiness can be heard. It is the way Niall shares his giggly smile with the world. Hearing the ripping of gift wrap on a Christmas Day is not true happiness. Happiness is not about what is on the inside of the gift, it is about who the gift came from that gives you the real happiness. Happiness comes from the ones who love you and the ones who appreciate having you around. This is true happiness. Happiness is not a language or a specific sound; but happiness can be expressed in a manner that people can feel it deep within themselves.
Happiness is felt in a touch. It is sharing good times with your closest friends at a camp site at night. It’s that feeling that’s bubbling inside, full of giggles and laughter. It is the warm summer sun that bakes your skin. It is a good hug from deep inside. Happiness is a word that cannot be explained with letters or words. It’s the touch that communicates more than words or gestures. It speaks more than just words it speaks to the heart.
Happiness has a taste. It tastes like the fresh pineapple juice that was just squeezed and poured into your favorite cup. It’s the patience that took the time to make you your favorite refreshing juice in the summer that is happiness. Like the crunch to your Doritos, happiness and the heart connect.
Happiness has a smell. It smells like the lightly brewed coffee steam coming out of your cup. Happiness is that warm chocolaty chip cookie that just came out of the oven. It’s the yummy taste of a pumpkin. Happiness has a variety of smells. Taken for granted, they define the memory of all the little things that make up happiness.
Happiness is an experience of the heart. Happiness is very important. To understand happiness you have to experience it and you have to pay attention to it. Happiness is what fills the heart, like air fills our lungs. This is what pure happiness is.

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