Teen ink educator of year | Teen Ink

Teen ink educator of year

October 25, 2013
By Dalton Harris BRONZE, Panola, Alabama
Dalton Harris BRONZE, Panola, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher I picked for the Teen Ink Educator of the year is a great teacher and also a great person. He name is Doug Norman. He is the high school history teacher and assistant football coach. I picked Coach Doug for his style of teaching, involvement in school activities, and what he does for the school.

Coach Doug's style of teaching is much like college teachings. He tell us the notes for the section were doing out loud and we write them down. Once we write them all down he tell a story about the section. When Coach believes we know the section good enough we take the section test. Everybody in the class makes a A+ every time because he teaches us the section so well. I know way more about history than any other subject. After the test, we usually watch clips from movies so would know what it was actually like in that time period.

Coach Doug is also involved in the school outside of the classroom. He is the sponsor of the Student Government Association. He is the offensive and defensive line coach for high school football. He is also a great alumni of Highland Home High School. He does a lot for the school because he grew up and and he loves the school. His works for the school even got him Alumni of the Year last year.

Coach Doug does a lot for the school with SGA. He raises money by SGA for the school to decorate our campus. He buys big banners to hang up all around our campus. He also raises money for sports because he wants us to be successful and have great equipment. I believe he is the best teacher because he wants you to know everything he knows about History and he will not stop until you do.

This is why I think he should get educator of the year. He just does so much for the school and for his students. Highland Home High School wouldn't be the same without him. I am thankful to have Coach Doug at my school and I wouldn't want him anywhere else.

The author's comments:
Coach Doug deserves it.

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