Some meaningful quotes | Teen Ink

Some meaningful quotes

November 27, 2013
By Dristti. BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Dristti. BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through you fingers. So much time you can waste it.
But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know.”
― Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

The Quotes I have written from a teenage's point of view!

• And for that minute when I was me, I was happy. It felt good. But then I saw you, even happier, feeling no pain, no hurt, no guilt, no fear, no loss. Like everything was perfect. Like nothing ever went wrong.
•All those nights we cried, shed those tears. It did no good. It made me weaker.
•Sometimes you have to laugh out your pain, you can't expect everyone to understand it. Only someone who has felt the same way can relate to it and understand it or else you will have push it aside and laugh it out. .
• Falling in love is like standing in the middle of the road and excepting not to be run over
• forever? Everything is just in the moment, it's all temporary
• It's alright to hurt, to cry. It's okay to show your emotions and tell people how you feel, wheatear you hate them or love them, weather you care or don't. Your human, you'll make mistakes, you'll be forgiven. Some won't forgive, some expect you to be a robot, a robot who listens, a robot who is emotionless, a robot who has no mind of its own, a robot who is simply perfect
•It's okay to be broken, it's okay to be hurt. It's okay to cry, it's okay to hide. It's okay to love and it's okay to care. It's okay to have a heart.
•All I need is, a shoulder to cry on. Someone who can hug me with lots of love. Some saying "it will all be okay, your not alone" just someone who cares, someone who'll listen, and truly be there. Someone who'll never leave. That someone's a dream and will always remain one.
• Realizing, winning or loosing doesn't matter. I might have lost, but I still have a whole lot of people besides me, with me, supporting me, cause they know who is deserving
• No. It's not easy to forgive and not at all to forget. It's not my brain, it's my heart, my soul that's wounded. It's a thing you try so hard to forget but you don't, you just keeping thinking about it. It's like when your parents tell you not to do something and you want to do it even more then.
•Everything changed. We all got separated. Nothing's the same. I hate it even more cause your not there. The worlds so fake. I feel so lonely sometimes when I close my eyes and pray, I just wish you never had left.
•The person you learn to love and trust, breaks you all over again
• When you just sit back and realize how fast the time passes, how things change and people grow. How priorities change but in the end theres always a lesson.
•Sad? Do something you like, talk to someone you love. Don't be alone, you'll feel even more miserable.
•It's not easy to give up on something you love, on something that was such an important part of your life
•They were like my family, my people whom I could share everything with.
And soon I was abandoned.
• 10 years from now, I wanna be able to close my eyes and think about the good things, the good times with my family, the mischievous times with friends, all the happy moments. When I close my eyes today all I can see is darkness.
• It's a sad life, it's a sad world, it's sad place to live in.
• Open your eyes, look, your not alone. Search their souls not their faces. Go deep and you'll be shocked to find the unthinkable.
• It's like you've lost your smile. Your charm.
•Love cannot be understood or bought. It's felt. You can fall in love anytime with anyone. You can't go looking for love, love comes looking for you.
• wanting to go back to pink bows and frilly frocks.
• Living reality is a challenge. You might not always get what you deserve, you might go through the worse than you expected. There won't be some by your side always, but you have to be strong and remember in the end you'll only have yourself.
• Have you ever wondered how small we were, the times we watched cartoon and played with Barbies but today just few years from then, all we play with are hearts.
•Here we are living our lie. Here we are being someone we don't wanna be. But here we are, look at us now.
Here we are living in tough reality. Here we are dying from within. Here we are, all of us with no love.
•If there was a world with no drama and no tears, wouldn't it be better? I don't think so. We are so used to the drama, the tears, the gossips and the fights that a world without all of this we'd be simply boring.
• Have you thought if none of us ever experienced heartbreak we wouldn't have experienced love either.
• It's all bad. You try, you try so hard but nothing works you fail. You fail every-time
• You try to move on but something keeps holding you, all those memories and photographs you can never get rid of.
• When they all act like its okay but you know its not. And then you feel the world has a secret and your the only one that doesn't know.
• I'm scared. I'm scared of life. I'm scared of being hurt. I'm scared of making you the most important person cause the one who was everything to me left me broken.
• I thought it'd be easy to hate you but it isn't and it hurts even more to love you.
• For you i'll be joy, happiness and love. But for myself i'll be darkness.
•Don't look at the laugh on their face, go deep in the heart and feel the sadness.
• You can be happy for a minute and not the next. We live in a weird world with feelings that are uncontrollable and sometimes inexpressible.
It's battle field of reality and dreams you know, that complicates emotions even more.
• How can an ending be happy, at the end people die. How is that even happy? I want a happy beginning, happy middle and a happy ending. I want a happy life.
•There's no limitation. It's not a competition. It's about love and caring and most importantly having a heart, which I do. So it's not who does how much for whom.
• I feel like my body is sinking, every step I'm taking I feel like I'm being pulled underneath by misery. I'm losing hope, no faith only regrets and bad memories.
• There always comes a time when you give up and lose hope. Those times are bad, practically the worst. You feel lonely and helpless. You feel like your surrounded with darkness, but if you look and keep looking you'll find that little ray of hope trying to sneak in.
• You know the story. You know what happened, you know who got hurt, you know who suffered, you know who cried and you also know it was you and not them.
• Burry your emotions underneath, where only alot of digging, effort and risk can bring it out.
• And when you know its gonna hurt so bad but you still do it, cause you love it so much that you keep going back.
• How do you be happy when there's so much to cry about
• It starts with sadness and ends with tears
• After everything you'll always be unloved, you'll always be misunderstood and you'll always be mistaken.
• I can't fight forever, everyone gets tired eventually.
• A peaceful place, where I'm understood and not afraid. Somewhere I have nothing to worry about, where not a tear is shed, where there is only happiness and love. Somewhere very far away from here.
• I might be happy, I might smile, I might play and laugh but in all that fun i'll stop for a minute, my face will go pale i'll look towards the ground, i'll have no words to say, i'll feel paralyzed and then i'll blame life.
• It's like you want me to make a mistake and break your trust.
• We exist. Each one of us just exist. You can't live here, it's a fake world where people just try to fit in, you live when you are yourself and not shadows of others.
• There was a time when we were united. There was a time when we'd be lost in our own world. There was a time when we had each other. There was a time when I had you.
• We were like a perfect couple. Id brag about us all day. We'd laugh around and act weird, we always had each other and then one day it all changed and now I'm a loner but whatever you say can never make me hate you.
• I don't talk about whats inside me and what I feel because sometimes I believe, people are just too fed up of catching my tears.
• We live in a century where money is given more importance than affection.
• There's hate, there's love. There are smiles, there are tears. There are broken hearts and there are newly weds. There's positive and there's negative.
• I don't believe in karma, i don't believe that 'everything happens for a reason' I just think this world is a very evil place to live in, and that the good get the worst and the bad get the best.
• We'll always love the sugarcoated monsters.
•They said they'll be there. They said they'll never leave. They said they'll love you forever. But they didn't say their lying
• You say you don't care but your the only one who does.
• It's a dark place to be alone, it's a place filled with misery
• Everyone dreams not everyone achieves.
• Nobody loves. Nobody cares, all are here just to cause pain.
• How can you not bleed when everything you touch is blade.
• How can you not bleed when everything around you is blade.
• Originality won't last for long in reality

The author's comments:
a teenage's point of view!

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