Letter to Best Buy | Teen Ink

Letter to Best Buy

December 18, 2013
By Brian Eineke BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Brian Eineke BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To Whom It May Concern:

Hello, I am a frequent Best Buy customer. I have bought many TVs, computers, iPods, and music from your store. I have always been happy with my purchases up until my Asus laptop started having problems. Because of the issues I’m having, it would be greatly appreciated if these problems would be repaired free of charge.

In July of 2011, I bought an Asus laptop with the extra warranty. It worked fine until four months ago when the computer started to not boot up. I brought it to the Delafield, WI store to run a diagnosis. You determined viruses infected my computer since the security software had expired. You mentioned my biggest concern, which was the hard drive, was in good shape. I ran the reboot disks and it then worked fine up until a month ago. That’s when the same problem as before started to occur again. When I brought it in to the store, the Geek Squad employee immediately said the hard drive had probably failed a long time ago. I was also informed my warranty had just expired so this would be a six hundred dollar repair after diagnosis, parts, and labor costs. I am confused why I wasn’t told the hard drive was failing four months ago when I was still under my extended warranty.

I understand my warranty is current expired, but I still would like it to be fixed since problems occurred while it was covered. Best Buy has always given me great customer service so I would expect repairing my computer without charge won’t be an issue.

Thank you for listening to my concerns. You can reach me anytime at the address listed above.


The author's comments:
This is a letter to Best Buy about fixing a broken computer. I heard back from them and the problem was resolved.

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