Uniform Policy (apposed) | Teen Ink

Uniform Policy (apposed)

January 8, 2014
By Jonae G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Jonae G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many students and adults believe that school should have a uniform policy to prevent conflict, bullying also from messing with their clothes during the learning environment. I disagree with the uniform policy brought into schools. I believe that schools should not enforce uniform policies because it does not let children children express themselves nor their creativities, students should be able to choose what they want to wear to school, and lastly teachers get to wear what they want why can’t students.

Don’t you know the old saying you make the clothes the clothes make you. Uniforms don’t allow us to express our style. Uniforms make all students blend in as one. At my old school a lot of students had a problem with the uniform policy so our Vice Principal Mr.Smith told us “if you have a problem with the uniform policy then start a petition against the uniform policy, I want three paragraphs from each person against the uniform policy and why you disagree and how we can fix it at school to make a better community”. At my old school they taught us to speak up for what we believe in and be strong and brave. For five days out of the week students ,students wear uniforms and two days out of the week we only wear regular clothes. This shows that students need to get an opportunity to wear what we too . Only their families get to see what they wear. That’s why a lot of students make social network pages, without parent supervision. Therefore students should get to wear what they want.

Another reason is that students should be able to wear what they would like to wear to school. In the future when we eventually got to college, we don’t have to wear a uniform there is not really a uniform there is not really a policy to follow. As we become adults we don’t have a dress code. This show that schools should prepare students for the future. Therefore they should start a weekly dress up or dress down. For example Memorial Mondays (you dress like one of your favorite people during the civil rights time). Tie Tuesday (when we wear ties to school and dress professionally). At my school we have certain day to dress up it’s called “Dress to the Nines”. This shows that our school is preparing us for the future.

My last and final reason is that teachers get to wear what they want why can’t students. at my school our teachers have to apply to certain dress code. Maybe the schools we go to need to show us students by leading by example. If our schools teaches us how to be work appropriately maybe we can use it in the future. At many schools I went to we had teachers who had to wear specific uniforms.

While some People may believe that the uniform policy is a good thing. I disagree I have proven in my argument that schools should not enforce in schools. this concludes my believe.

The author's comments:
This piece was made because I felt that as if that students should have that same rights as teachers.Also that it not as fair that we have to wear uniform to school when it's not what we want to, really wear.

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