Safety: Illusion or Reality | Teen Ink

Safety: Illusion or Reality

February 2, 2014
By Christine0224 BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
Christine0224 BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

All around the world, everyone needs a sense of security. Safety is one thing all living things want, what they need. Sometimes we depend on others for our safety, sometimes we are dependent upon ourselves and find it no one else’s but our own to achieve. A mother bear watches over her cubs, making sure at all times nothing possibly threatning can overpower her young ones and kill them; all the meanwhile the cubs are dependent on the mom to watch them, they see her as a shield against all harm in the world. We all desire that sense. We make precautions to make sure that no danger can harm us or our loved ones. Locks, gates, security camers, home security systems- all attempts to prevent the worst of possibilities to occur. But is safety a real thing? Or is it simply an illusion we create to give us false security?

Ask a person what makes them feel safe, then ask another. Compare and contrast their answers, chances are they will have similar ideas. Some people argue that safety is a real thing, that we don’t fake but can create. To an extent safety does exist. Without those locks, gates, etc, we have a hire risk of being hurt- or worse. We feel the obligation to have precautions against all the possible perils in the world. Theses can include neighborhood shootings, robberies, kidnapping, etcs. We always associate the those items with safety, just as we do with our guardians. They become a safety symbol for us.

Then there is the argument safety doesn’t truly exists. No matter where you are, where you hide, danger lurks behind every corner and item. You can take as many precautions against all these things but there is always a chance of faulty equipment or just the right coincedence. Safety can exist within our mind but something can always shatter the illusion you are perfectly safe. It’s possible a shooting can occur right in your neighborhood, a metaor could appear out of nowhere (even though its highly unprobable), and the day you are out on a vacation, your house could get broken into. Anything is possible at anytime but we create defense to help prevent- at least we try to. Natural diseasters are always possible, you coud have faulty seatbelts on a rollercoaster, you could be deathly allergic to an ingredient in a food and die, all these things cause harm or death. So whether safety is an illusion or a reality, it's all up to your perspective.

The author's comments:
I had this random thought today and decided to write this. I think it's one of things that really get you thinking.


This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 9 2014 at 10:21 pm
Christine0224 BRONZE, Yakima, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
I think everyone has a sercurity blanket in some way. I can't go to sleep as long as I know everything is either locked or in their "proper place". It's almost like a way to make sure no one goes through my room whether an inturder or relative lol. And thanks for reading this :)

on Feb. 8 2014 at 6:03 pm
Writing-Is-My-Drug SILVER, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
5 articles 6 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you aren't afraid of your dreams then your dreams aren't big enough." ~ Unknown

I had never really thought about this before. Love this article! I always have had a dog in the house and until recently. In my room there is a door to the back deck to the house. The door that leads to the rest of the house I have always kept cracked so that the dogs could get into my room incase someone broke in through the back door. It has become a habbit of mine to keep the door cracked even now when we don't have any dogs. I even do it at other peoples houses. It is just this weird thing that I do that makes me feel safer. Its funny how we all have our "security blankets" or in my case keeping the door cracked.