Fruit by Roshni Sethi | Teen Ink

Fruit by Roshni Sethi

March 12, 2014
By Nathan Nguyen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Nathan Nguyen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What I really like about this poem, Fruit by Roshni Sethi, is that in a way it promotes healthy living. Coming from the point of view of an elderly women who tries her best to keep up with the life she has left. The grand-mother struggles with everyday life having to take medication every so often and following the excessive habit of using the restroom. In the same way I am like this, I despise to eat crummy foods, but not all the time I follow through. Another thing is, I consider myself within a society based on conformity and pressure. In the end, I wish I will live to be strong, active ,and old much like this grand-mother. Thank you for this poem that you have brought us, I hope others understand the message you are sending.

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