Travel and Culture Experience | Teen Ink

Travel and Culture Experience

April 24, 2014
By cutest BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
cutest BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Travel and Culture Experience

Last summer after school, my mom, grandma, and I took a trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. We were going to attend my cousin’s destination wedding. At first I could not believe I was going to be visiting a place totally different from Georgia. It just felt unreal. When it was time to catch our flight, I was so ecstatic that I could do nothing but smile until my cheeks started hurting. Once we landed in Punta Cana, I did not know what to do with myself because it was such a unique culture. The workers at the airport spoke Spanish and were very helpful with assisting the guests to carrying their luggage outside to their travel company buses. My family and I arrived to our hotel and the atmosphere was breathtaking. The way the blue, calm water gracefully rode up upon the shore from miles away was an excellent site. All the people having fun and dispersed throughout the beach gave me a great. While on our trip, we ate at some cultural restaurants such as Thai, Mediterranean, and Japanese restaurants. It was exciting to taste what people from different areas around the world eat. Having American food on a daily basis gets worn out after a while. This is why visiting a new place that contains a distinct culture could be the best vacation ever. Although we were in a different country, the two places, Georgia and Dominica, are similar in some ways. Examples include: they both are major tourist’s attractions, have different raced people, and have pretty good climate that attracts people. Experiencing new cultures and traveling to different places allows you to be able to see how other people who are not like you live. Some for what the people live in poverty in poor countries and others live well in wealthy or middle class countries. Also, traveling will help with more people and children being grateful for what they have. Not all places in the world have a good enough economy in order for the country to be good in the money area. The area that I and my family were staying at was more of the tourist area, but there are some poor areas of the Dominican Republic. Sometimes people just want to get out of where they live and go somewhere refreshing. Clearing your mind and recouping helps with people’s issues. I understand that to travel to certain places is expensive. It is sometimes too expensive for some people, but I promise you it will be worth it. Depending on where you go, try to make the best of your time there and do not be afraid to try new things. I also get the fact that some places people might want to go contain certain health cautions such as Africa where you have to at least get Malaria shot. It just depends on the place. The more people that a country gets to visit them can lead in more and more people because the value of their country can increase. This meaning that more and more people will be attracted to the country. I ensure that when you are planning a vacation you make reservations at an unordinary place in order to explore your options with different cultures and traditions.

The author's comments:
My trip to Dominican Republic inspired this piece.

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