Gun rights | Teen Ink

Gun rights

June 3, 2014
By andrew klander BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
andrew klander BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gun rights essay

Gun ownership is at an all time high, but at the same time crime rates are going down. Arguments are always going on that guns are bad, or guns are helping. In reality guns are really helping. People should be able to own guns for their own protection because when burglars are going to rob a house citizens need to have some kind of protection. Gun will be their protection and will help people stay safe.

The crime rates have gone down an enormous amount since 1991. In 1991 the crime rate was at an all time high but in 2011 the crime rate when down 52% (Gun ownership at all time high). The reason why the crime rate has gone down is because people are allowed to own guns. Criminals know that gun ownership is at an all time high and they know that they have a chance to get shot or wounded. “There are now 40 million handguns owned by private individuals in the United States-about one gun for every American family” (Gun ownership at all time high). This is showing how people feel about guns and how many people actually own a gun. Everyone is safer owning a gun because they can protect themselves if someone attacks them.

When people talk about guns they automatically think of murder, but really that is not what most guns in the U.S are used for. A lot of people use their guns for hunting or they have them just to feel like they are protected. “1 child drowns annually for every 11,000 residential pool, but 1 child is shot dead for every 1 million plus guns” Kristof. This shows that guns aren’t really the reason why people are dying. If the government wants to be able to ban guns to keep people from dying they should also ban swimming pools too because they are more likely to kill someone than a gun is. Swimming pools are far more dangerous than guns, especially unattended swimming pools. Guns really aren’t the reason for most of the deaths in the U.S so if the government decides to ban gun they also will need to ban swimming pools.

We need to be able to regulate the types of people that buy guns in the world. “He was rejected by the army. Yet buy a Glock handgun and a 33-round magazine? No problem” (Why not regulate Guns as seriously as toys). This should not be able to happen. If the army denies a person to go in because they are untrustworthy they should not be able to go into the store and buy a gun. People need to regulate this kind of stuff more so that guns don’t get in the wrong hands. When guns get into the wrong hands a lot of bad things can happen. This is why we need to regulate who buys guns and what they buy them for.

When guns are in the right hands they are actually helping the world. Crime rates have gone down since we put guns in the people’s hands. They actually aren’t even the reason for most of the deaths in the world. If we took guns out of the people’s hands the crime rates would go back up and people would find another way to kill other people if necessary.

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