Battle of the Consoles | Teen Ink

Battle of the Consoles

March 21, 2016
By Mix-tape_Booker BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Mix-tape_Booker BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My job, my whole life, I've always had that kind of doubter, people have always doubted me. And I don't know how I would succeed without it. So I welcome it, and it gives me a challenge, and I will see if I can live up to my challenge.

 The Xbox and Playstation have been fighting over who is better for years, but nobody knows which is truly better.

Playstations were created by Sony, and the PlayStation 1 was released on September 9, 1995. The Playstation is a fan favorite console from the PlayStation 1 all the way thru, to the current Playstation 4. The PlayStation 4 is leading the Xbox one in sales 2-1 with 22.3 million sold across the world. ( according to techradar article)

Although, graphics on PlayStation are good and you didn’t have to pay to play online unlike the Xbox where you had to pay to play online, the bad thing about the PlayStation is that the controllers need to become smaller for better handling, another problem with the PlayStation i that the PlayStation console isn’t as strong as the Xbox. The console can easily be broken if dropped.

The Xbox, is a fan favorite gaming console. The Xbox was first released on November 15, 2001 and since then people have fallen in love with it. Microsoft is an American multinational corporation that created the Xbox. Although Xbox isn’t as high selling as the Playstation people tend to say that the Xbox is better due to it’s good graphics, strong console body, and a nice medium sized controller and you can also buy controllers that a smaller for people with smaller hands. On the down side like everything Xbox has its flaws too. The game disk can be easily damaged if the game console is moved while you're playing the game, and also you have to pay to play online unlike on the Playstation the online feature was free to all that had wi-fi.  This feature made the playstation very popular and really increased its sell ratings. It also made more people switch from xbox to playstation. Playstation also has games that are exclusive to playstations such as uncharted 4, gran turismo, and final fantasy. Exclusive games are usually the games that are for that one console only and can sometimes boost up their ratings.

PlayStations also come in a variety of colors such as black,white, red,silver and also limited edition colors like gold, or gaming covers. Like the xbox the playstation has wireless controllers this allows you to move around more freely rather than staying in one spot, but this does have down side, you can’t move outta range from the console or the controller would disconnect.

Two of the biggest gaming consoles in the world, but also two of the biggest rivals and so far Playstation is winning. Although Playstation is older than Xbox by 6 years the Xbox has made a huge profit selling 12.8 million Xbox one that have been sold across the globe. Even though the PlayStation has a 10 million lead over the Xbox, Xbox has come a long way from where it started. (according to techradar article). The Xbox has also found ways for you to play as the controller with the kinect feature. The kinect allows the player to move around and react to the games motions.

Xbox can also come in variety of colors most of them the same as playstation black,white,silver, and then you can get custom colors like red or blue. You have your limited edition colors like on playstation. Even though xbox is a great console you may consider the playstation more due to design and the extra features it carries. Maybe you don't like having all them extra features that you would have to pay for then the xbox will be your best friend.  Playstation player Deion White says that,” The Playstation does have better graphics than the Xbox”, but Xbox player Tedrick Herd said,” The graphics on Xbox look better than Playstations”.

In the end i guess it all comes down to the console that can show the best graphics, and have the best features.

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