Life... Like a Book | Teen Ink

Life... Like a Book

March 25, 2009
By Keeley Ruttan BRONZE, Park City, Utah
Keeley Ruttan BRONZE, Park City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my opinion, life is just like a book. We are always turning different pages and beginning and ending chapters of our lives. There is always a hook to draw people towards us. There is always a beginning, middle and an end part to our lives. Sadly, the ending ALWAYS ends in death!

During our lives, I think things happen for a reason! First we are born, the most exciting part of starting life. Then you start growing up and have experiences which ultimately come with making mistakes. Mistakes to me are like climaxes to a story. Without climaxes the story would just be one smooth ride. Nothing ever exciting would happen. Nothing to jump out at you or put you back in your seat! Life would be so boring. Some events in your life can cause sadness, happiness, and excitement. Birthdays for instance can cause joy! Deaths can cause sadness. If everyone was perfect and nothing bad ever happened, then you might as well put your life down and start a new one! Just like in a book, if the book gets to old then you put it down and start a new one. One that is interesting and has a lot of events in it! We are like characters in the book. Destiny or God (which ever you believe in) is like the Author writing a story, leading us on a path until the story ends. Just like in a book, each character has their own personality and their own quirks. We all have challenges we have to face and events that carry us through life. Destiny or God has a plan for us and will try to solve the problems.

The author's comments:
I wrote this all y myself!!!

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This article has 1 comment.

1freerIde said...
on Apr. 6 2009 at 12:03 pm
thanks for writing.

p.s. it's God not destiny