Etiquette in Schools | Teen Ink

Etiquette in Schools

May 12, 2018
By Anonymous

Eating with people who smack their lips or talks with their mouth full of food can appear to be revolting. It is not entirely their fault that they participate in these behaviors because they were probably not taught the proper decorum. Most schools do not include etiquette classes that are essential to a student’s life. Schools should teach etiquette because it upholds the high social standards of society. Etiquette is important because another’s first impression could be based on proper skills and is the key to a thriving career.

Schools should teach students about etiquette because good etiquette can impress others who are dining with them and can be used throughout one’s lifetime. Children who have good decorum impress older people while also developing communication skills. Older individuals who have developed etiquette skills are impressed with young people who show an interest in etiquette. Children who play on their phones at the dinner table do not develop the necessary communication skills needed to form social skills. Furthermore, these etiquette skills can be used throughout one’s life and become handy when in a formal setting. When people are applying for a job, their body language can influence the interviewer’s opinion of him or her. When on a date with a significant other, etiquette is essential. If they do not have proper manners in public, it could affect the other person’s opinion of them. Schools should take the time to teach children about etiquette because the child can impress his or her superiors and develop excellent communication skills that last a lifetime.

Schools should teach etiquette because etiquette can be essential to a successful career and it takes the burden off of the student’s parents. Etiquette is the key to a successful career; without etiquette, peers may look at an individual differently. Two people with the same qualifications may be separated by their etiquette. If someone is smart but lacks etiquette, he or she may be passed up for an opportunity he or she would have otherwise gotten if he or she had been taught etiquette. It teaches people to present their ideas in an efficient way. Also, many times children do not have stay at home mothers who have the time to teach them about etiquette; etiquette can teach children healthy habits for their lifetime. Many parents work full time, so they do not have a chance to teach their children about all of the rules of etiquette. Etiquette skills can help a child develop responsibility. Once a child learns the patterns of etiquette, he or she can more easily learn other habits. Students should be taught etiquette because their careers will be more successful and it will make home life less of a hassle.

Some people may oppose having etiquette taught in schools because etiquette is not equivalent to other core subjects.  Having a full course on etiquette is not necessary because schools should focus on teaching important subjects such as math, science, social studies, and English. Etiquette is seen as of minimal importance, and schools do not have the time to teach a whole new course. However, the likelihood that a student will need extensive knowledge of math, science, social studies, and English to be prepared for his or her career is highly unlikely. However, etiquette most definitely will be used in any student’s future. Students will be exposed to situations in which they need to know how to act appropriately such as fancy dinners. Etiquette should be taught in schools to prepare students for their futures.

In conclusion, students should have the opportunity to be taught etiquette by their schools so they can benefit from the advantages brought by proper decorum. They can impress their superiors and thrive in their careers. This protocol is used from early in life throughout one’s adulthood, so it should be taken seriously. One may be judged solely based on his or her etiquette. Teaching etiquette at school would make it easier on family life. If one does not have the exposure to proper behaviors, he or she is not likely to appear pleasing and prim to others.

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