Gun control | Teen Ink

Gun control

June 21, 2018
By Anonymous

Should the gun control law be decreased or increased? Do Guns kill people or people kill people? What could make the law better? Have you ever wondered what gun control means? Gun control is a term referring to various laws and policies that regulate everything related to firearms by civilians.


​First of all, Gun control laws should be decreased since guns do not kill. Guns don’t kill but people kill people. Guns do not kill people because without someone pulling the trigger the gun will not be fired off. A gun cannot be fired off without taking the object off of safety and pulling the trigger and setting it in the correct direction to hit your target. Most likely guns can’t harm you but people can. You can use a knife or sharp object to murder or hurt someone. Another reason guns do not kill because you can shoot at an object and miss. Without training yourself and positioning yourself in the correct angle you will miss your target.


​Secondly, Gun control laws should be decreased because a gun can be used as a weapon of hunting. A gun can be a weapon of hunting because humans are very strong and talented but we could never out run an animal that lived in the wild from since birth which inhabit the wild skills. Guns laws should be decreased because animals is a source of food and hunting is a way of living. Animals is a source of food for everybody and without food nobody will be alive unless you’re surviving off of plants. The gun laws should be decreased because guns should be used for hunting and hunting is fun and not all hunting is bad, it is right to hunt an animal with one bullet. Hunting laws should also be decreased because the government pays people every year to hunt because some animals get over populated and farms can’t provide animals every day for millions of people.


​Finally, Gun control laws should be decreased since guns make you lose loved one and reeducate the overpopulated percentage. Losing a loved one can give your good and bad memories that makes you wish that they were still there. It should be decreased because losing a love one will be the same and you would not be the same person without them. Losing a love one is the harshest thing that could happen to you especially if it’s an important person to you.


​In all Guns are all over the world and should be used in the correct ways and guns should be used as a weapon for hunting and protection. Even though guns can be used as a weapon of protection because carrying a gun can be a use for self-defense in your home to protect your family and your property. It is important to know your rights, as well as your limits, before you use your gun for self – defense. Guns can also be a weapon of hunting because they protect you from getting eaten from wild animals and also protect your animals. Guns do not kill people, but people kill people. A gun is an object that needs to be fired off by a human In conclusion guns have been placed in the world today because of the second amendment, and we as humans have the right to own guns and use it in correct way.

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Im a nice person

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