Common Illnesses Among Migrants | Teen Ink

Common Illnesses Among Migrants

February 6, 2019
By JoaquínGzz BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
JoaquínGzz BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most of the Central American Migrants suffer from respiratory problems, and since they barely have money they mostly end up dying. Most people don’t know why Central Americans migrate so let me start with that, a lot of people from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. They flee from these places because of violence, economic problems, etc… On their way to the US, they get different viruses and illnesses that will end up killing them if not treated. The illnesses that migrants suffer are terrible and that is why today I will tell you about the most common illnesses, where they get them from and why they get them.

To start off, for people to come up with a solution that is helpful toward migrants’ illnesses they first need to know what they are stopping. The most common illnesses that migrants suffer from are Chickenpox, Skin infections, Tuberculosis, Chagas disease, Anemia, Obesity, Soil-Transmitted Harminth Infections, Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue, Lice, Respiratory Problems (Bronchitis, Pneumonia, etc…), and Stomach Infections. Even though some of these might not be as problematic as others to us, to migrants it is a huge problem since they don’t have much money to get medical care. This isn’t the only problem because even though if they are able to get medical care the moment they get back to their family and friends they will be in problems again since there is too much overcrowding around the area that they currently are in (The US/México border).

To continue, you must understand these illnesses/diseases and where they get them from. Some of these illnesses they get in their home countries like Lice, Stomach infections, and Tuberculosis and then continue to develop in their travel. But there are other illnesses are mostly developed on their journey like Chagas disease, Anemia, Zika, etc… a lot of these illnesses are starting to develop in the south of México or north of Guatemala. By the time that they reach the US border (if they are able to reach it) the illness/disease has already developed. This is terrible since a fully developed illness is extremely hard to stop making it possible for the person suffering from it the last stages of their life. This is why by knowing where they get these illnesses we are able to put certain rest stops that might be able to help them.

Lastly, you need to know is why they get these illnesses. Most of these illnesses that they get are because of their low hygiene, they get this low hygiene because of their low income. Since they don’t have much money they maybe can’t get certain hygienic essentials like shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc… so whenever they are presented with an illness they might have a harder time to pass through it since they have no immune system in order to combat the illness making it much more difficult to survive. Another reason they get these illnesses is that of the food they eat since they barely get to eat any type of food and the smallest amount of food that they get might harm them because they might not be able to digest food properly because from where they come from their stomachs are used to living off things like coffee beans or water and whenever you give them actual food they vomit it making their stomachs ill along with their body.

As a result, a solution is needed in order to stop migrants from suffering that is why today I propose the solution of adding camps or medical facilities for migrants all over the most common passages for migrants in order to provide shelter and medical treatment as well as food in controlled portions in order to not overfill their stomachs. This solution is great to help migrants from suffering that is why I am encouraging big companies or schools to contribute to donating to certain organizations like Casa Monarca so that they can build more locations or facilities around the country. To Summarize, it is essential for people to know about the common illnesses among migrants, were they get them and why they get them that is why I encourage everyone to share this article with everyone you know and spread the word.

The author's comments:

This is an English essay made in order to change people's minds about migrants and what they suffer.

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