What Is More Important: National Security or Your Security? | Teen Ink

What Is More Important: National Security or Your Security?

March 29, 2019
By Anonymous

National security is very important to me because I live in close proximity to New York City. If there is any problems in New York it will most likely have an effect on me. I don’t live in New York so the chances that I will be in an attack are much slimmer. But there is one more thing more important to me and that is my own privacy. In a regular police investigation you need a warrant to go search someone house because it is an invasion of privacy. Yet it’s okay to look through our phone without us knowing. There are some exceptions like people with known affiliations with terror groups. But the national security agency (NSA) should need to get a warrant for this information. In some cases people may have more important things held on their phone then in their house.

The NSA should also be able to differentiate between actual threats and civilians who just go through their day. If they are taking texts from regular people that have important information on them that is a clear invasion of their privacy and the NSA should not have that information. If they take information from a person on a terror watchlist to put public safety as its main goal then I believe they should have the right look through people's phones with a warrant. But they have been proven to be scandalous and take information that they didn’t need. In 2008 the nsa tried a new method of collecting information from people. This method was unknown by the a group that controlled some of the NSA, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court. The court later deemed it unconstitutional (Gellman). This just shows that the NSA has the capabilities to take information as they please. So how can anyone trust them if they are doing these things behind our back. Another incident happened in 2018 when the

It is a confusing world that has many problems that have even more complicated answers. There are many different ideas and opinion related to this issue and there is really no right answer. Obviously the NSA needs to keep running in order to keep the people of the United States safe. They should have some restriction put on them that limits what they can see so that the general populations privacy is not at risk.

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