FRA | Teen Ink


October 23, 2019
By SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
SnowyTree SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I watched the television the night before the presidential election, news reporters babbling back and forth, I question why people care so much about politics. Why people can despise one another for having different political views? The debates fill the room with animosity. I wonder if all of the debates and name-calling help America progress or fall behind. Might there be a simpler way to manage our lives and deal with our issues?

I have never been the one to argue, so I guess I don't know what it’s like to get in fights over politics. But from what I see, is it worth it? Is ripping people down for what they believe in the way we should live our lives? I don’t think it is. I believe people should take a step back and realize what they are saying and how it affects other people. The derogatory use of words to one another over their viewpoints is simply inhumane. 

From what I’ve seen, most political arguments are not about engaging in an intelligent conversation but to gain leverage on people. This unknowingly creates an unnecessary toxic ego.  

I believe America needs to reevaluate what politics means. Does it mean hatred? Or does it mean coming together as one to resolve foreign and domestic issues? How about celebrating the good this world has to offer? Not every argument has to be based on negative issues.

A vote should be your way to express yourself and your beliefs. A vote should not be a way for others to break you down.

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