We Are America | Teen Ink

We Are America

October 28, 2019
By Kmesching BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Kmesching BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The freedom to vote is what defines America. We choose who is elected. We the people are America. When you believe in something and care for it, vote for it. When you want something to be changed, vote for it. We the people have the power to do anything we want. We have the power to decide how America works. We have the power to decide how America works. 

The freedom to vote means immigrants can come to America and start a new life. Immigrants come to America to be in the best country in the world. Where they can start a new life, raise a family, and become a contributing part of our society. They are the new generation of Americans that decide America’s future.

The freedom to vote means being able to live in a society where we are free. We are free because we voted. We elected leaders who allow us to be free. We chose leaders because we, the people, made the decision that they were the person to keep America free. We the people, decide who gets to keep America free.

The freedom to vote means making a difference. W have the opportunity to make a difference but yet we don’t. Many people feel that their vote will not matter. All votes matter. Most of the time voter turnout rates are around 50%. If turnout rates were at 100% there would be a revolution of change. Our votes can make a difference, we just have to see it. We have the freedom to define what America is. We have the right to choose who is elected. When we care about something, we go and vote for it. We have the power to change America. 

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