Equality, World Peace, and Happiness | Teen Ink

Equality, World Peace, and Happiness

October 28, 2019
By 1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1luvspongebob SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe the government is completely messed up and neither side is correct. But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in order and rules. I believe in people having different opinions and morals. Personally, I believe in equality, world peace, and happiness. I don’t think there should be specific sides that have strict rules and opinions where it’s all or nothing. 



Gay rights? Black rights? Animal rights? Why shouldn’t people be able to marry the same sex? How does it affect anyone else’s life if you decide to marry a man or a woman? Why does the color of your skin determine the type of person you are? Who ever said that white people were better than black people in the first place? What makes a person better than an animal? What has an animal ever done to deserve being tortured? Why shouldn’t every living being deserve equal rights? 

World Peace

Why does one person or one place have to rule the world? Why does one person or one place have to be better? Why do people need to fight? Why can’t people accept others for their own thoughts? Why do people need everyone's acceptance? How does it affect anyone else? Why can’t people just be reasonable? Why do people “solve” everything with guns?


Why should people have to live in fear? What if I can't eat today? What if I can’t get water? What if I have to sleep on the streets? What if I get an injury? How am I going to pay for it? Why does Earth's goods have a price tag? Why can’t I keep the money I worked for? Why should I have to worry about not being able to access something that can come from my backyard because somebody thinks they have a right to keep it from me if I don’t give something back?


This world is selfish. There is no correct system that can run the world. Living in equality, world peace, and happiness is my vote.

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