Thoughtful Tension | Teen Ink

Thoughtful Tension

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

People crowd together, forming thick, clustered lines. Terror and adrenaline seep through the pores of those who wait in anticipation. The quiet murmurs vibrate through the four walls while children desperately want to go home. The room is filled with tension, not knowing who is a friend, and who is a foe. The outcome is unpredictable, causing anxiety within the average male. The working mom prays for equality for her children, hoping the economy will take a turn. 

Sweat drips from foreheads as pens mark each perfect box. The shuffling of feet echo on the laminate floors as ballots are whir through a machine. The excitement coursing through the veins of those waiting in line is that of a runner’s high. People rush forward, praying they make it on time to cast their hopes of power. 

The lines become shorter, as one person files through the curtains as they open. The final ballot is placed on top of the rest, while an uncomfortable silence is dispensed. The nightly news broadcasts the winning numbers, as shrieks of happiness and disappointment erupt. I watch as my uncle jumps up in glee. He yells and cheers as the confetti rains down on the screen. I look down and think to myself, “Did we really win?” I wonder how the rest of the world is reacting. The cries, the joy, what is going through their heads? So much chaos brought on by one singular event, voting. 

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