One Day Late | Teen Ink

One Day Late

October 28, 2019
By adambraun88 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
adambraun88 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was born on November 4th, 2002. Ironically, the 2020 election is on November 3rd, one day before my 18th birthday. By some twist of fate, the teenager who brings up politics at the Thanksgiving dinner, will be ineligible to vote until 2024. Needless to say, I’m beside myself.

It’s commonplace for Americans to think their vote is unheard. As a person who pays attention in government class in high school, it’s clear representatives base their vote on the votes of the people in your district. It’s rare that there will be a faithless elector, meaning they change their vote from the majority of their district. Nowadays, politicians just want to be re-elected. The majority of the time they will just do what their constituents want. I could actually voice what I want and expect from my government. Without voting this would not be possible. 

A vote in America means that people will be ruthless and angered, whatever the outcome of the election is. They will be mad that their voices aren’t heard, mad that their opinions don’t matter, and mad that the person they voted for didn’t win. Some people have to realize that our nation was founded on principles. This is the whole purpose of the American democracy. The Founding Fathers structured our country to prevent people from going crazy and doing what is best for the nation as a whole. Not just what one group of people want. But the American people have voted. You just didn’t win. I, on the other hand, am just happy I could voice my opinions without the judgement of others. 

In 2024, I will have a chance to say what I want in American politics.I will get to register along with the rest of my family and pick the candidate that I believe will do the best for the country. The day will come when my freedom will ring to do exactly what the founders intended. I will get to vote. Woefully I am one day late from 2020.

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