America: Two Sides to the Story | Teen Ink

America: Two Sides to the Story

October 30, 2019
By highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From coast to coast it describes someone as brave or heroic. However, in 2019, patriotism is Americans serving their country and being brave enough to put themselves on the line on behalf of others. Patriotism is NOT taking a knee for the anthem and speaking on issues to which the entire picture isn’t told. Honoring the service of those who fought for our freedom is the least you can do. 

Democrat. Republican. Libertarian. Green. Democratic Socialist. Citizens want to make our country a better place yet, it seems impossible to get on the same page. Minor issues become exaggerated and big issues never see daylight. Parties contribute to polarizing the nation into a good versus evil war. No longer can you reach across the aisle and look to fight for a new policy.                                                          

 Donald Trump. Nancy Pelosi. Dan Crenshaw. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Young, old, corrupt, for the people, you see it all. Politicians influence lives, media, and culture all woven together in a big ball of policy. Politicians work to improve our lives and make it easier to live however, it never seems to be this way. It seems as though their paychecks mean more than their constituents. 

The places you go to cast your vote for the candidate. These locations are critical and crucial to allowing you to cast your vote. Locations should be plentiful and close to communities and neighborhoods. It’s vital that we require voter ID to ensure that elections are fair and honest. 

Voting. It’s assumed you vote to elect the best representative. Whether you’re republican or democrat, you vote for someone who could theoretically hold office. Voting means you helped elect whoever holds office, regardless of whether or not you believe that elections are fair. Those that don’t vote, are only hurting themselves in the long run. Politics matter, and so does your voice. 

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