Animal Experimenting | Teen Ink

Animal Experimenting

November 27, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Consumers,

I am writing to you today about the unethical treatment of experimenting on animals. I am passionate about putting a stop to this mistreatment of animals because I am an animal lover and I believe that animal lives matter just like people's lives do. So I am pleading to your humanity and demanding that it is put to a stop. Animals are living and breathing things just like humans. Animals shouldn't have to die or suffer from products that well known brands are making for profit.

For your information, as stated on, Victoria Secret expanded sales to China and began paying for cruel and deadly tests on animals in order to sell its products there.” Their brand that many people like, and buy from are abusing innocent animal lives. Obviously, this is a huge problem, according to (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) “After years of upholding its policy never to test on animals the company has let down compassionate consumers everywhere by choosing profits over principals”. Companies focus on the money they make off of their products rather than worrying about the animals lives they affected. 

My purpose is to demand and request support to stop and end the torture and killing of these defenseless animals.  We need a solution to stop this inhumanity, and endangerment. According to again, the suffering these animals have to go through is traumatizing. “The tests may cause rabbits to suffer from inflamed skin, ulcers, bleeding and bloody scabs.” These are the siteffects caused from testing of cosmetics.The animals lives shouldn't have to succumb to this, just so we can have the products we have.   

Some might say that testing on animals is a better option. According to “New medicines require testing because researchers must measure both the beneficial and the harmful effects of a compound on a whole organism. A medicine is initially tested in vitro using tissues and isolated organs, but legally and ethically it must also be tested in a suitable animal model before clinical trials in humans can take place.” People would rather have products tested on animals rather than humans just use something that can kill them, which is understandable but there is so much technology and scientists that someone can invent a way more substantial plan. It's time to take action on this issue! Us as consumers should start using products that are cruelty free.  

The author's comments:

Im an animal lover and I believe animals shouldnt be testing on.

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