If I were mayor of my town | Teen Ink

If I were mayor of my town

November 29, 2019
By Asardenga BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
Asardenga BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What I would do as mayor of my town

I live in New Orleans and ask anyone who lives there and they’ll tell you we are very far from perfect as a city. If I were mayor of my town I would do many things to help. First I would try to fix the streets because there are giant potholes on almost every street as well as abandoned buildings from hurricane Katrina. Secondly I would make available more resources for the homeless since there are so many less fortunate who have nowhere to go but under interstates camped outside. Another thing I would do is create new jobs this sort of goes along with providing resources for the homeless because if there isn’t anywhere to work, they don’t have a job or income. As mayor I would try to improve our education system in account of Louisiana is ranked 49th in the country for education and I strongly believe that every child is entitled to a good education to help them succeed in life. Lack of recycling is an issue I would do my best  to correct as mayor because as sad as it is New Orlenians are only able to recycle: plastics #2, # 2, paper, cardboard, and aluminum/steel cans. I find this unacceptable taking into account all of the environmental damage being done. Lastly as mayor I would help to fix our criminal justice department; Louisiana is ranked 50th in crime and corrections, which is disappointing but as someone who lives here and here’s the news reports all the time about the shootings and Stuff I believe it. I would fix this by recruiting new law enforcement fixing any issues in the system and anything else necessary to keep citizens safe. New Orleans may have a lot of flaws but it is my city and I live it and I hope that I’m the future it will get better in the areas that it lacks.

The author's comments:

This is to enter the if I were mayor of my town essay writing contest

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