Covid-19: What you and the government can do better to avoid it  | Teen Ink

Covid-19: What you and the government can do better to avoid it 

November 19, 2020
By Anonymous

Everyone in Australia is currently being affected by the coronavirus in one form or another. For some, it is the inability to have as well of a social life as previously, and for those who have been extremely unlucky, someone close or themselves being afflicted. I personally believe that the way this virus is being dealt with could be improved to a much higher level of safety, without the need of any sacrifices. 
As with our current restrictions, being before the 28/10 changes, most people are safely evading the virus, however, many do seem to be doing quite the opposite. As from my personal experience, ever since restrictions were slightly eased, on the 15th of September, there have been many more people leaving their houses for recreational reasons. Although this is currently allowed, it does significantly increase chances of receiving the virus. I have seen groups of close to 50 people at skate parks, and as it is exercise little to none of them were wearing any face protection. This was an outbreak waiting to happen and all I could feel was anger and disappointment. Having so many people in such a small area could lead to highly significant breakouts of the virus and is an issue which should have been addressed. If you plan to leave your home for exercise, I encourage you to follow the current restrictions to the fullest. 
These issues could also be adopted to schools, which have recently reopened to on-site learning. Throughout all classes of their day, the students are required to wear masks and use hand sanitizer frequently. The issue is not with this, but rather through the spread of germs during recess and lunch breaks. As students are eating during this time, they must take off their masks, which can lead to a large transferral of bacteria and germs to other students. If one student in the school were to have this virus, it could be spread to the entire school population within days. This would also easily be spread to the family member of all students. I do believe that, while frustrating for some, online learning should either continue as a requirement, or as an option for students who prefer to do so. This has already been deemed plausible as it was an occurrence whilst VCE students were learning on-site and all younger years learning at home. 
While the restrictions coming up on the 28th of October may seem to be beneficial, they could be the cause of another outbreak especially with ‘Melbourne’s cafes, restaurants and pubs [reopening]’ - Daniel Andrews, Premier, 26/10. Another outbreak is highly possible as it is what occurred with our most previous spike of cases. Many students, such as myself, have made plans for going out as many services are being opened, as shown above. With a large potential increase of people leaving their homes, the amount of people you will encounter is bound to increase. These restrictions would work perfectly well if everyone were following the safety guidelines well, however there are still many who either refuse to follow them or may be doing so on accident. If you do choose to go out with others at any time over the existence of Covid, I urge you to stay at a safe distance from others, preferably being 1.5m apart, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands frequently, and minimize physical contact as much as possible. ‘Getting here – and staying here – relies on the effort of every Victorian.’ If every Victorian gives the effort to stay safe, then and only then can we continue to loosen our restrictions. If people are unable to do so, then the safest option, albeit the most frustrating for most, is to go back to previous restrictions, only being allowed out for essential needs and no other reason. 
Please do take my suggestions into mind and remember to stay safe, avoiding the possibility of contracting the virus at all times possible. 

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