This Moment in History | Teen Ink

This Moment in History

March 4, 2021
By HelpfulWaffle BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
HelpfulWaffle BRONZE, Piedmont, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This Moment in History

Welcome to January and February of 2021, or more accurately, the thirteenth and fourteenth months of 2020. In these first two months alone, the United States has seen appalling COVID-19 death tolls, historic weather phenomena, and controversial stock market shenanigans--to name a few examples. However, the most defining events of this nation’s “moment in history” take place in the political world. On Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, the capitol was raided by armed Trump supporters. Exactly one week later, former President Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for the second time. On the third Wednesday of the year, President Joe Biden was inaugurated. The capitol insurrection, second impeachment of Donald Trump, and inauguration of President Joe Biden defines not only the present, but also the future of all Americans.

On January 6th, the world watched as an unthinkable event unfolded, transforming this country’s moment in history forever. There are still many questions surrounding the insurrection at the capitol, which is why, according to an article by The Associated Press, many congressmen are calling for a “‘Sept. 11-style commission’” dedicated to analyzing and documenting the violence itself as well as its causes (Yen). I know that I will never forget that day and what it meant and felt like for this country. Hopefully, this commission will reveal significant details and bring them to the public eye so everyone can serve as better witnesses to the event. It is pivotal that this day, and more importantly, how it happened, is not forgotten in order to prevent this moment in history from repeating itself. 

Next, with only seven days left in office, former President Donald J. Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for “incitement of insurrection”. From there, the single article of impeachment was sent to the Senate, where it was predicted that a short trial would take place (Flatley). These predictions proved to be accurate, and following a five-day trial, Donald Trump was acquitted (Zurcher). To grossly oversimplify, Democratic senators found the trial constitutional and Trump guilty of incitement of insurrection. Republican senators, with the exception of seven, found the trial unconstitutional and Trump innocent (or also guilty depending on the senator). Just as the BBC asserts, those who voted against the historic second impeachment of Donald Trump may have done so purely to boost their chances the next time their election season rolls around (Zurcher). This is terrifying. In my opinion, this event can be used to argue that many elected officials in this country care more for their political careers than justice. That is this moment in history. The realization--the truth--that the American democracy is much more fragile than imagined before. Just like the insurrection at the capitol, the impeachment and acquittal of Donald Trump must be remembered so that it may never be repeated or accepted again.

The last political event to be discussed is the infant presidency of President Joe Biden. The new administration has introduced policy pertaining to LGBTQ+ rights and racial justice, although these actions are just the beginning of addressing these matters (Savage and Graham; Madhani). Furthermore, a jaw-dropping 1.9 trillion dollar COVID-19 relief package is currently ruffling some feathers as it makes its way through Congress (Wasson and Davison). Just before his inauguration, The Pew Research Center found that “...64% of voters express a positive opinion of his conduct since he won the November election. Majorities also approve of Biden’s Cabinet selections and how he has explained his plans and policies for the future.” There is so much that can be said of this new President's short time in office, but regardless of political views, it is safe to say that most Americans remain worried. Some of that worry is tinged with cautious optimism, others with cynicism, and still more with dread. This might be true for the country after any political election, and just as it did then, this range of emotion and opinion influences this moment in history. After the next four years pass, the nation might just be thinking back and remembering what was thought of our new president at the beginning of their term.

While some may argue that there are more important matters taking place in the current moment in history, these events are both historic and immensely impactful. No one will forget the insurrection at the capitol. No one will forget the second impeachment of Donald Trump. No one will forget the presidency of Joe Biden. These are events that are actively shaping lives and futures. This is the stuff of history books, the stories that will be told for decades and decades to come.


Works Cited

“Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively after Capitol Riot.” Pew Research Center - U.S. Politics & Policy, Pew Research Center, 15 Jan. 2021, Accessed 19 Feb. 2021.

Flatley, Daniel. “Both Parties Envision Short Impeachment Trial for Trump.” Bloomberg, 3 Feb. 2021, Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

Madhani, Aamer. “Biden Orders Justice Dept. To End Use of Private Prisons.” The Associated Press, 26 Jan. 2021, Accessed 5 Feb. 2021.

Savage, Rachel, and Jack Graham. “Explainer-What Are U.S. President-Elect Joe Biden’s LGBT+ Policy Plans?” Reuters, 19 Jan. 2021, Accessed 4 Feb. 2021.

Wasson, Erik, and Laura Davison. “Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Plan Enters 3-Week Dash in Congress.” Bloomberg, 22 Feb. 2021, Accessed 23 Feb. 2021.

Yen, Hope. “Pelosi Says Independent Commission Will Examine Capitol Riot.” The Associated Press, 15 Feb. 2021, Accessed 20 Feb. 2021.

Zurcher, Anthony. “Trump Impeachment Trial: What Verdict Means for Trump, Biden and America.” The British Broadcasting Corporation, 13 Feb. 2021, Accessed 19 Feb. 2021.

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