change | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By tucker408 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
tucker408 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wind the clocks back a couple of years. Where were we? Maybe you see someone frolicking around in a field with a golden tint around them like a flashback in a movie about a storm turning everyone's lives black. But I see a planet big, booming, and with momentum that seemed impossible to stop. But it was stopped. It was brought to its knees by a disease painted onto the big blue rock that we used to call perfect. Every living human in this god-forsaken land just waiting for the day that something big happens and wipes that red splotch of paint off our once “perfect “ rock, but for now, they are waiting, and we are wishing we could go back. What is the reason we try and crawl through what happened the year in between? Do people want to head back into the swirling black storm that is 2021? Is it worth it trying to head back through time? Maybe, maybe not. But clearly, something is different now. If it was still the same things would be considered perfect again. Some want to give up so badly on being led through the future by an uncharted map; So, they just take a seat while hoping everything else goes by them and they just get to do it all over again, but I news to some change has come and past. There is no going back.

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