The hidden truth behind bars | Teen Ink

The hidden truth behind bars

April 8, 2022
By teresakarugia BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
teresakarugia BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prisons are often viewed as a place where people who commit crime go, although that is true there are so many cruel and unusual things going on in prisons. Many females are assaulted in prisons and are made to feel unsafe, mainly by prison guards. Prison guards take advantage of their power and use it to assault women. The next two paragraghs are about how women were taken advantage of.

In Brooklyn New York, Lieutenant Eugenio Perez, a former guard at the Metropolitan Detention Center was accused of forcing oral sex on five female inmates. In trial, one of the five females claimed that perez often kissed and hugged her but she was ok with it at first, because she was loney in jail, but she resisted once he attempted to force her to do oral sex.  Often prison guards use the excuse that people deserve to be treated the way guards treat them. because they committed a crime, but even if anyone were to commit a crime they are still human and the same creature as you and that will not change.

In California in 2011 michele infante was incarcerated for 6 months in a detention facility(all women) in 2017 michele infate as a 58 year old said that she was sexually assualted by two employees. She said one day in late September about 5 months after she was incarcerated, a male deputy walked to her cell and told her to come with her, he led her to what looked like a classroom that was unused and she claimed that he had pushed her up against a wall and raped her. “When I went back to my room, I just remember crying. I didn’t get a shower for a couple of days, so I just felt so dirty and filthy,” she said. She didn’t have an extra pair of underwear to change into after the assault which made her feel even more dirty, and she didn't tell anyone what had happened until 6 years later. “I just felt so alone and isolated … and like I deserved it somehow.” She stated. 

It is not just women who are mistreated, men are too. In these next two paragraphs you will read stories about how police/Guards misused their powers to harm others and resulted in taking away someone's life and damaging someone's life forever.

In philadelphia on  november 2019 a 29 year old man named tyrone briggs was in a fight with an inmate and the guard used an “unjustifiable amount” of pepper spray on both Tyrone and the person fighting tyrone and when the guards were holding tyrone down three officers used pepper spray on him, directly in his face, while he was on the floor. Later Tyrone needed his inhaler and the medical staff took 30 minutes to treat him, by then he was in serious medical trouble. Tryone was transferred to solitary confinmate after and when he was there he collapsed and died. 

On april 3 2020 Seth Fletcher from Ohio was caught with a cigarette and the guards suspected that it had drugs in it and they handcuffed him and took him to the medical clinic. An officer claimed that Seth tried to pull away and when he did that he tackled Seth to the ground. Right after that happened Seth could tell something was wrong he could not move his legs. Then after he got tackled, the guards picked him up and took him to the clinic and the nurse said it was ok for him to go back. Then again the gaurds kept dropping Seth while walking back to his cell through the yard,  they went to the segartgated housing unit where he was in a suicide watch cell. He told the guards multiple times that he could not feel his body and they all ignored him and when he had asked for water they poured it on his face. The next day a psychologist visited him and decided he needed to get spinal surgery and while in the hosposital it was detirmed that he was paralyzed from the neck down. His life was ruined because guards chose to ignore his plea for help instead of getting him help, and for that reason he will be paralyzed for the rest of his life.

There are so many things that are wrong in the justice system that wouldn’t fit into one article but there is a website called where prisoners can share their stories and users can read and learn more about prisoners and what happens in prisons. Jails shouldn’t have to be filled with all these bad things. I dont believe it should be the perfect place and a super fun place to go because then it would encourage more people to commit crimes, but I dont agree that guards should be abusing prisoners.


* Eugenio perez’s story is

*Michele infante’s story is

*tyrone biggs story is

*seth fletcher’s story is

The author's comments:

In my class we were reading just mercy by bryan stevenson and we wrote about injustice in class and my article is what i wanted to write about injustice. 

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