roe vs wade sucks | Teen Ink

roe vs wade sucks

August 23, 2022
By Anonymous

Roe vs Wade, this is the most controversial political issue at the moment in my opinion. I know some of you may totally agree with the court's decision to overturn the case but I am very much against it. I think that abortion shouldn’t have very restricting laws. They need to be made safer, not outlawed. 

         In January of 1971, the supreme court issued a decision in favor of Roe stating that woman have a constitutional right to abortion. Norma McCorvey “Roe”, started the Roe vs Wade case when she sought an abortion after getting pregnant with her 3rd child at 22 with no job, no husband, and 2 previous children that she had lost custody to and one she put up for adoption. She had tried to get one in her home state of Texas but was denied because of the laws. She felt it was unfair that she couldn’t just go somewhere else to get a legal abortion because she was not financially in a position to travel. June 17th, 2003. Roe filled a motion to overturn her case because she then felt abortion was hurting woman.

    In December of 2021, Dobbs vs Jackson womens health org was brought to the supreme court, a case dealing with the law stating you can’t get an abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. On June 24th, 2022, Roe vs Wade was overturned making abortion illegal and limited in almost half of the united states. People didn't handle this new law very well. Women are getting denied the option to end a pregnancy after fetal heartbeats are detected. Abortions should be restricted, not gotten rid of.                                    

       Women NEED to be able to make the choice on whether or not to keep their child. There are  many reasons why a woman would need an abortion. In the case of rape, you wouldn’t want to force a woman to go through the pregnancy and raise the child of her abuser. You wouldn’t want to force a little girl to keep her baby after getting pregnant through incest. You wouldn't want a woman to die because she has medical conditions that make pregnancy dangerous. I think we should only limit woman who use abortions as a form of contraceptive. If a woman is using her access to an abortion as a reason to have unsafe sex, than i think they should be denied an abortion, but everyones situation is different. 

     Sure people are protesting and donating to help try to push for the law to be overthrown but I believe that it is going to take some seriously terrible results for this law to be changed. If enough woman die from illegal abortions and if enough children get put into the system by parents who don’t want them or woman who don’t want to take care of their child because of how they got pregnant. Having a kid because of a traumatic event can cause even more trauma and could just lead to a less valuable relationship between the child and the mother

If we don't give women the access to the appropriate help, we will see a serious decline in women's health and happiness. Abortion clinics need to be held at a higher expectation when it comes to the qualifications needed and the sanitation and protocols need to be made better and enforced harder. Women will still find a way to get an abortion if needed, it just won’t be done as safely and probably won’t end as well as an abortion done professionally in their home state.

Abortion should be a right and option that every woman has.

The author's comments:

i feel very strongly about this piece because i have very strong feeling towards the roe vs wade case.

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