The Abortion Crisis | Teen Ink

The Abortion Crisis

October 27, 2022
By Anonymous

If you don't know, the supreme court has overturned Roe V. Wade, in which is a law that protects female's privacy and the right to abortion. I would personally consider this illegal as all members of the supreme court had sworn; UNDER OATH that they support abortion and would not overturn Roe V. Wade. Under oath means that they are swearing that they are telling the truth and CAN NOT be lying. Lying under oath is a crime. If you didn't know, out government is a democracy, which means that the public gets to decided on laws and elect people to decide in most cases. But we voted for the people that WOULDN'T overturn the law, not who we are seeing now. They took advantage of us and I think that we should be able to vote on taking down the supreme court and building a new one to return the law. Now, the people that voted on overturning the law have broken a law. I assume that due to the power they now posses, they cant be arrested, fined, or demoted. But adding to that, most of the court that decided on this, were men. Moving on, this law being overturned caused an utter, American crisis.  The overturning caused apps that help keep track of when menstrual periods happen to be tracked by the government. It also caused (in most states) abortion to be illegal. In fact, having an abortion may get you more time in jail than brutally raping somebody. The minimum amount of years for rape is 1 and the minimum amount for abortion is 2. In fact, if you have a miscarriage, you will be investigated like a criminal. In some states, you can't get an abortion even if giving birth will kill you and your baby or if you were raped. How would it feel if you were brutally raped by someone and already went through so much pain, and now you have to give birth to their child and see the resemblance everyday. A fetus is not a human. I dont know why some people act like they never went to 5th grade health class. A fetus has the potential and the possibility to become a human, but is not one until about 8 months in. Things that also have the potential to be a human is sperm and eggs. These are each part of the human body. So if taking a fetus out is murder, what about periods? Something that has the possibility to be a human, being removed from your body. People are essentially forcing female's to have a baby within their life time. Overturning Roe V. Wade is basically saying that if you have the potential of life in you and dont use it, you are a murderer. Everyone has the potential of life in them, so the point getting across is that if you do not have a baby in your life time, you are a murderer. To add onto that, if you didn't know, fetus's cannot think or see, its almost like a person in a coma, yet they can move. If this doesn't already infuriate you, listen to this. In the 6th grade, the curriculum learned about the topic of overpopulation. Overpopulation means that there are to many humans on earth for how many resources we have. Putting it in a different way, it is saying that we have 3 apples, but everybody needs one to live; there are 100 people. The overpopulation is due to children being taught at a young age that the meaning of life is to get married and have children and because of the right to abortions being taken away. The overpopulation of humans is actually what causes most inflation and shortages of products. The more people, more demand for the product, therefor they are going to have to charge more as the supply does not match the demand. If the forcing of birth keeps up, we are going to run out of water, food, and maybe even before that happens the world will end. Each human alone produces extreme amount of climate change and global warming. With all the cars, the factory's, the farms, the air consumed, even down to the furniture is killing the planet. So the more we force most female's to give birth, the closer we are to killing the planet. I am not saying that having a child is catastrophic but I am saying that forcing all female's to have children is morally incorrect in so many ways. This will likely increase the human population by 10% or more.

The author's comments:

I just needed to get this out there, I am so tired of the blatant disregard for female's. These people care about "life" (not actually life as when people get abortions the fetus is not living and likely looks like a pile of mayo) until they leave the womb. These are the same people that support 18 year old people to get guns without background checks, leading to hundreds of school shootings. If there were not any guns, why would we need guns to protect yourself? Sorry if this was more of a rant than a put together essay but I needed to fight back in some way.

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