What The United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What The United States Flag Stands For

November 3, 2022
By ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home".

The bell rings, 7:20 am on the dot. I shift to the edge of my set and stand up with my hand over my heart. We stand to honor those who have died during the eleven times war was declared. For the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for this country. We place our hands on our hearts as a sign of respect, indicating honesty, and simply pleading our allegiance to our home, America. 

Midway through speaking the pledge, I noticed a girl still sitting at her desk against the wall. That’s allowed? What is her reason to not stand for the pledge? I wonder every morning for the rest of the semester. I’ve seen this girl not give her allegiance to America. I want to ask why, but never want to offend her in any way. Her beliefs of the pledge, the flag, are clearly much different than mine. 

I understand that America has not been at its best the past couple of years, but when has America ever been at its best? Hasn’t America been worse? The changes different generations of parties make, the politics, and the disrespect. It will never stop because that is how people are. 

America is not perfect. And there are moments when our people do not respect each other. But I believe that is because we are human. We are not perfect. And non perfect people cannot make a perfect country. Yet with politics out of the equation, I respect those who fought for us in the past. Who gave all they have for the attempt to make this country better. 

Now, I wish I could have told the girl the Pledge of Allegiance is a sign of respect and honor to the United States Flag, which stands for those that were and are determined to serve our country.

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