What The American Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What The American Flag Stands For

November 3, 2022
By alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are fifty stars on the flag of the United States of America. Each one represents each individual state. Separated on the flag are thirteen stripes, the representation of the thirteen original colonies of the United States. These two different shapes however, are separate. 

The lines are where we were as a nation, the bones, the beginning, the fresh start for the people from Great Britain. But now we are so much more. 

Fifty very different states, two of which aren’t even connected to the mainland. But all united together. There is a reason why the stars are in one spot on the flag. The stars are next to each other, just as the people stand with each other. 

I am a part of the nation and I am just a thread on the flag. I am of the people that make up the United States of America, just a small drop in the bucket. 

Fifty different states. Over a hundred million people. All united. United over a chunk of land? No. This is our home, yes, but we don’t fight for everyone else's home. We fight for the flag. We fight for the patriotic bond that holds us together. 

Whether we fight with guns, or fight by flipping patties at Mcdonalds. We all fight for the flag. We all have our role and there isn’t a role that is lesser than another. 

The flag is more than the stars and stripes. Our flag is more than a piece of cloth. Our flag stands for us. The people. Because without us there would be no flag, no nation, nothing. The people are the flag. The flag represents us! 

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