Beautiful Town Called Houston | Teen Ink

Beautiful Town Called Houston

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

Houston is one of the most diverse and influential cities in Texas and possibly the country. One of the many faults is the homeless populace problem that we continuously seem to face. Especially with how inflation making everything go up and job opportunities going down, it's not surprising to see more people on its streets every day. Although the city is home to many people, many of its people don't have homes. Everyone asks what their supposed to contribute, what their supposed to provide because how can I give more to others when I have so little myself. The most we can do is come together. When the weather changes abruptly, come together and build shelter. When bellies rumble with hunger, come together to provide food. When tragedy strikes, come together to ensure it never happens again. Because a city divided, is a city deflated. Not only should we be able to rely on ourselves, we should be able to rely on one another, to come together as a community and create a city worth living in for. We can repurpose, start a new and rebuild. Abandoned buildings, bumpy roads, miles upon miles of land filled with everyday human trash. We can become better and stronger as a city as long as we do it together.

I dont remember the days before kids were afraid to go to school or people were afraid to go to public events, but we can't let these tragedies divide us, in fact, we should let it control our actions more so. Having the ability to do something but the want to not to is one of the most cowardly things you could have and unfortunately, many people fall prey to this. The influential who have the privilege to not to face these things every day and allow their people to do so but continue to tell them to get over it or that a solution will come when one hasn't yet is one of the most hypocritical things you can do. Not only is it very tone deaf but it's also willingly being complicit in the ongoing War of Man against stupidity. When people take their emotions and drive it into negativity and take it out on people, innocent people, who haven't done anything to deserve their negativity, it becomes easy to blame a certain group or a organization as to why more and more people are committing such heinous acts. But if we were to come together as a community and help those who cannot help themselves, we would most likely prevent more tragedies, prevent more suffering, prevent anyone from becoming a name on a wall or a face on a t-shirt

Helping people help themselves is the most we can do because without that we cannot do much. The overall message of a community coming together is basically like a building. We need a foundation that is strong and that we can trust to stand on. Then to build walls and a roof to Shelter From Any harm. Everyone in a city, like Furniture in a building, has a purpose. Every person has a place and offers something of a gift. Not only the people but their minds. Their Vision executed into reality and you can see it when you look outside your window. The tallest building was once just a figment of someone's imagination. A drawing on a paper. But because of people, working together, they created something beautiful and innovative. And we can to. Houston or H-Town as many people have colorfully called it is home to multiple different cultures and multiple different people who contribute to the creation of the city every day and because of togetherness we can create and strive for even more. 

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