Change In the World | Teen Ink

Change In the World

June 7, 2024
By Broden BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Broden BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Buzz! Buzz! The dreading sound of an alarm clock in the morning, the sound of that leads to early work or school that every American hates. This is a change I would like to see in our world is a change in school and work hours. A reduction in the amount of hours a day people stay at work or school. Obviously, this is a big change but I feel that this change is necessary because people need more free time. Not just the kind of free time to lounge around and watch TV. The free time with family. The time with friends. The time to spend on your passion. The problem with setting up this system is that most Americans would waste time… leading back to the main issue of being burnt out from work or school. Although I feel that the world and its main structure are not set up for humans to satisfy these typical needs everyone should obtain or have. The main emphasis on the extra time could also be resolved by finding a way to lower the cost of living. Clearly this is a very hard task that everyone around the world would lower if they could. However, I feel that if the regular hours of work and school are reduced this would allow for a cheaper standard of living. All in all, people need to be able to do more things on their own time, and not just wake up every morning hearing buzz, buzz, and dreading the long day ahead of them.

The author's comments:

This is a big change I want to see in the world.

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