april's arrest | Teen Ink

april's arrest

October 29, 2010
By rasul BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
rasul BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

39-year-old April Newcomb has been charged with child abuse.
This mother of 16-year-old girl was recorded on camera attending the fight,
Yelling don’t stop and egging her on in the brawl. April Newcomb should not
be arrested.

Even though April was at the fight its natural to want your
Daughter to win just like a boxing match, plus no one was hurt. If any one should be charged it should be the dozens of kids who attended the fight recoding it and posting it on the hit website Youtube.

Its not to say that you can have street fights if there supervised
But she had a valid reason her daughter had suffered from two skull fractures
From a reason unknown. So she made sure her child wasn’t hurt.

Besides the fact that April was there the mother other 16-year-old girl was there. The two mother where having a conversation during the fight, if April Newcomb had broken up the fight, the two girls might have just went
Somewhere else to fight and Aprils’ daughter could have had
Damage to the skull again or brain damage.

April should not be arrested instead of sending her to jail
Her and daughter should get help she has had domestic violence changes in the past
And she should get therapy or canceling and her daughter should not be taken away.
Its pointless to cast away a person in need of if she would be punished at the most it should be
.probation and mandatory canceling.

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