The World Today | Teen Ink

The World Today

January 17, 2011
By xotressalynnox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
xotressalynnox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People don’t have ethics anymore. If they did, would there be so many murders? Most of the crime in Milwaukee comes from teenagers. They race rampantly in the streets with no one to control them. Police officers don’t know what to do anymore. When they strive to use duress, never works. The officers end up getting shot at, beat up, or accused of using rash behavior on people who don’t deserve it. But in reality, they do. The officers need to admonish the teens to take control of their lives. They can’t be culprits forever. But it’s not all up to authority figures to assist the teens. Parents need to begin doing their part.
The problem with the teens of Milwaukee is they are inexorable. All they have ever recognized is a life of crime. It starts with their parents who don’t care about any flagrant thing they do. The teens’ lives are inane. Parents need to step up and tell them they can make something of themselves. They need to encourage teens go to school and obtain good grades. They need show the teens they believe in them. Instead of having a family of clandestine gang members, teens need to be surrounded by a real family that provides for them and shows them love. As soon as some of the younger people start making better lives for themselves, they will develop into role models. Peers always have an effect on each other. Hopefully, a domino effect will initiate. Most of the teens will get their lives in control. If all of the older people of Milwaukee would concur to help the teens, crime would be reduced drastically.
With just a little help, we can get Milwaukee teens back on track. If parents become more involved, everything should fall into place. Police officers will have less work on their plate. With reduced teen crime, the police officers can concentrate on getting more dangerous people off the street. Milwaukee will become a safe place again.

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