The Effects of 9/11 | Teen Ink

The Effects of 9/11

September 27, 2011
By Lawson2012 SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Lawson2012 SILVER, Oak Lawn, Illinois
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Imagine being attacked and nothing can be done to stop it. To the innocent people of New York there was no indication of an attack. The United States was attacked and the attack left this nation horrified. The attacks later led to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 9/11 affected the health, financial markets and economy of the citizens of the United States.
9/11 took place on September 11, 2001. Three airplanes were hijacked by terrorist and used as weapons. Two of the planes hit the World
Trade Center in New York City and 2,752 people died (September 11 Attacks). The other plane crashed into the Pentagon and killed 189 people. Weeks later there were “anthrax attacks” where a powder use to kill people (Effects in USA) anthrax was sent by mail and could kill anyone that it came in contact with it. 9/11 was the largest attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor. The high-jackers were from Saudi Arabia and were members of Al Queda, which was led by Osama Bin Laden. His hatred of America was apparently very strong.

Financial markets were really affected by 9/11. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) was closed immediately after the attack. One quarter of the employees was victims of the NYSE (Effects in USA). Exchanges remained closed until the next week. This was the third time in history the NYSE experienced long term closure. Trading of the NASDAQ and trading of the United States bond market were also closed. Oil prices and gas prices increased greatly after the attack (Effects in USA). Travel and entertainment stocks fell and online travel agencies were greatly affected. It also caused homeland spending to increase.

The economy was also affected greatly by 9/11. Insurance companies had the largest casualty claim since Hurricane Andrew (Effects in USA). Share prices of airlines and airplane manufacturers declined after the attacks. United Airlines & American Airlines provided payments of $25,000 following the attacks to help families. Midway Airlines shut down immediately after and many other companies had many layoffs. People became reluctant to fly in fear off attack. On the other hand tourism raised causing employment in New York (Effects in USA). National security increased and more people began to join the military.
The attacks of 9/11 additionally affected the health of millions, most of which suffered from serious health problems. Post-traumatic stress was the biggest effect (9/11 Health). Four times the rate was found in people affected. There was no social support to those affected by the event which caused depression. The falling of the World Trade Center’s caused some people to have heart burn and acid reflux. Others exposed to the dust developed asthma. 18,000 people have been estimated to have developed illnesses as a result of the toxic dust (9/11 Health).
In conclusion the attacks led to wars in Afghanistan & Iraq. Recently Osama was captured and killed by our solders; his body was laid to rest in the ocean. People affected by 9/11 are eligible for treatment and medication with no payment. 9/11 affected the health, financial markets, and economy of our nation many are still affected today.

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This article has 2 comments.

toriC said...
on Sep. 15 2013 at 10:26 pm
There was acually 4 planes the other plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Look it up to find out more.

19dhdh95 said...
on Jan. 31 2013 at 3:02 pm
19dhdh95, Douglasville, Georgia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
WOW!!! This is a very sad thing that happened.