In Afghanistan | Teen Ink

In Afghanistan

June 2, 2012
By LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
36 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Eyes look your last, arms take your last embrace, and you o'lips, doors of breath, place a righteous kiss.

So, is it just me, or does anyone else realize that they keep saying they'll pull our soldiers out of Afghanistan but keep sending in more? my uncle just got back home -really he's in a different state but in the US again- and just the other week, my fiance was sent out there. now either it's just me, or our government is really messed up. not only did i find out today that my uncle is back -and not in a box- but i also know that my ex-boyfriend is out there somewhere, and my other ex-boyfriend will be sent out on his 18th birthday. i don't think this is right. why are we even in a war over there anyways? i mean, can't we just defend our land and rights from our own country? please comment with your thoughts on this matter! I'd like to know what you guys think!

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