President paper | Teen Ink

President paper

November 30, 2012
By Anonymous

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20500

Increase of Jobs

Dear Mr. President:

There are plenty of issues that you, Mr. President have to worry about. But there is one issue I am most worried about, and it’s the number one issue that I would like you to address during your four-year term as president. The job market has been declining heavily over the past four years. According to 2.6 million jobs have been lost nationwide. This issue is important to me because it hit home. Uncle Tom. Not expected by him or us he lost his job as a construction worker. Making my father’s load a lot more considering he’s another mouth to feed. Losing his job forced his to lose him house, car, and his wife.

I would like to see immediate action to create jobs in America that will help this country get back on our feet. According to this would help out the national debt toll tremendously, and would get our country moving in the right direction. It is important that we succeed because we cannot keep going in the same direction. It is important that we succeed because we cannot keep going in the same direction. If we keep going in the same direction there will be anarchy. If we don’t fix this soon, America will be in a downward spiral for an extended amount of time. Succeeding as a country together and by creating more jobs, we will be guaranteed a better future. Jobs create stability. According to article Issue #1: America’s Money Crisis, the president claims to have created 4.4 million jobs. But later it states that the president shed 4.3 million jobs at the beginning of his term. That’s just 125,000 jobs created; this is what is hurting our country, there are no jobs to fill.

You need to take action or this country will continue to go downhill. Jobs are what keep this country going, it’s what fuels Americans. If we improve jobs, we will improve the economy. Economy depends on jobs, and this is why the economy is where it is at today. Poor production of jobs leads to an economic downfall. My Uncle Tom was a great example. He had a bright future the way he was going. He had a good education, worked hard for everything. But then the company lost everything. Uncle Tom fell apart. It is a necessity that you fix this.

Dominic T.

The author's comments:
It was an assignment.

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